1891 kAnchI-AchAryaH - नारायणः

He was deemed to be deeply awed by the works of स्वामिदेशिकः and remained his sincere भक्त only in the closet to the extent that he had an idol of स्वामिदेशिकः that he did विग्रहाराधनं to at his residence. But externally he was an evidently and reputedly fierce advocate of the दक्षिणकला interpretations of our common पूर्वाचार्यग्रन्थाः । It’s heard that, he used to add a त्रिदण्डं to the आचार्यविग्रहं at his place when visited by दक्षिणकलाश्रितशिष्याः to hide his awe of स्वामिदेशिकः । This seems to supported by the claims that he performed प्रपत्ति at the feet of परकालमठ आचार्यः during his final days in atonement perhaps.

Apparently he might have lived with a dual personality that’s evident through much of his works and conduct in public versus private life.

He is credited with record holding number of works in संस्कृतं by a single author for his 1296+ books. Almost all the works of our स्वामिदेशिकः were studied and published by him adding some of his subtle tweaks twisting the original intent allegedly. He’s also said to have learnt the entire कृष्णयजुर्वेद तैत्तिरीय शाखा up to the revered साङ्गोपाङ्गसलक्षण क्रमपाठ level after 40+ years of age due to indignation meted out to him by some of his contemporaneous उत्तरकलाश्रिताः stalwarts during then scheduled yearly काञ्चीपुरं वरदराज பெருமாள் ब्रह्मोत्सवम् ।

To that extent, much to the chagrin of many people he has spited through most of his public conduct and published works, he needs to be credited for the sheer perseverance put in during his lifetime, IMHO, regardless of public conduct being acceptable or not.

Having said all that I’m not a fanboy of the intent and content of his life and works. Yet, much of his efforts in meticulous study, methods of analysis mainly of वेदाः & लक्षण ग्रन्थाः, systematically publishing his and others’ works etc have many uses for all to learn from and emulate too, regardless of any differences in one’s school of thought affiliations.