

Tirumalai Nallan Chakravarti was a sishyA of Ramanuja and is said to have converted even some hunters into Sri Vaishnavaites. These hunters were the ones who helped our Sri Ramanuja when he was in exile due to the atrocities commited by the KrimikanTa chOlan. On seeing their bhakthi when Sri Ramanuja asked them as to who taught them all these things, they replied that it was their AchArya by name Thirumalai nallAn, for which Sri Ramanuja said “nallAn enRa kALamEgham ippadi varshikkiradhE” (The dark cloud named ’nallAn’ is pouring the grace and the bhakthi in a great manner so that everyone is benefitted).


  • पिता - Tirumala-charya Nallanchakravarthy । माता रुक्मिणी।
  • हेडतले-ग्रामस्थो योगि-सिद्धः। सङ्गीते निपुणः। नाडिविद्या-निपुणः।
  • गृहस्थो ऽपि पिताऽप्य् आरामवान् अपि बहुभ्यो दीक्षाम् अददात् समाधिस्थितेर् अप्य् अनुभवम्। रङ्गप्रियस्वामिनो गुरुर् विशिष्य।
  • मधुमेहेन मृतः।

चक्रवर्ति-राजगोपालचार्यः राजनेता

Pacifist, Gandhi follower, jAti-vyavasthA-supporter, TN chief-minister, last governer general, anti-hindi activist, author of popular epic summaries.

A daughter, lakShmI, married devadAs gandhi, son of MK Gandhi and generated a few famous persons.

Chakravarti Rajagopalachari Narasimhan

Gandhiist, prohibitionist, freedom fighter.

C. Vijayaraghavachariar

Defended 1882 rioters who destroyed a mosque. Social reform activist.