भार्गवो रामः

  • यस् स्वपरशुना हत्वा मातरं भ्रातॄन् पित्राज्ञया, तद्वरेणैव तान् उज्जीवयामास।
  • धनुर्विद्यां प्राप्य शिवप्रेरणया ऽसुरान् जित्वा परश्वादिदिव्यास्त्राणि शिवाल् लेभे। ततो ऽकृतव्रणं शिष्यं लब्ध्वा धनुर्वेदाचार्यो बभूव। कर्णद्रोणौ तच्छिष्यौ पश्चाद् बभूवतुः। असत्यवादिनं कर्णं ब्रह्मास्त्रविस्मृत्या शशाप।
  • कामधेन्वपहर्ता कार्तवीर्यार्जुनो मन्त्रिहस्तेन जघान जमदग्निम्। किञ्च शुक्रेण जीवितः। धेनुः प्रत्यागता। धेनुवत्सप्रत्यानयने कार्त्तवीर्यार्जुनं हैहयं जघान। तत्पुत्रैस् तदाश्रममागत्य जमदग्निश् च हतः। रेणुकाऽपि प्राणान् तत्याज।
  • ततस् स हि पितृहत्याप्रतीकारं लेभे दुष्टक्षत्रियान् हत्वा (१८ वारं वा, २१ वारं वा), तद्रुधिरसरोभ्यस् सप्तभ्यस् तर्पणान्य् अर्पयित्वा। प्रीताः पितरस् तत् क्षेत्रं समन्तपञ्चकं पुण्यं चक्रुः। पापान् मोचयाञ्चक्रुश्च। ततो यागदानादयः कृता अनेन। काश्यपाय भूमिं दत्त्वा दक्षिणसमुद्रप्रान्ते वासाय चोदितः, तदर्थं वरुणेन नूतनभूमिर्दत्ता।
  • राघवेण रामेन हतदर्पः पितृकृपया तपᳶप्रभावेन च स्वतेजसं पुनराप।
  • अम्बाप्रार्थनया सकृद् भीष्मेण युयोध।
  • [p= 568,2]

Sukthankar’s criticism

There is only one explanation of the childish exaggeration and this repeated mention on the annihilation of the Ksatriyas by the Bhargava Ráma. A deep analysis of the motives underlying this phenomenon) would suggest that these fabrications are only a form of over-compensation, and endeavour to make the Bhrgus feel important and ‘worth while’, after the disastrous blow to their egoideals. It is the psychological revenge of the Bhrgus who were all but exterminated by the Ksatriyas. The slaughter of the Bhrgus admitted by the Bhrgus themselves in the Aurva legend deserves all the credence which unfavourable evidence by a witness against one’s own self ordinarily does what the Bhrgus in turn did to the Ksatriyas –namely, the annihilating the Ksatriyas by Bhargava Räma 3X7 is known to us only from the account of the event from Brahmin sources. This myth the dream of the Bhrgus—is the sublimation of that intolerable inferiority feeling which had been repressed, but which was clamouring for expression.

This is based on a poor understanding of the nature of myth (esp this one) - Especially given the myth of bhArgava rAma being vanquished later by rAma aikShvAkava rAghava.