Top intellectual influences

Not in special order:

  1. AruNi 2) kaNAda 3) pata~njali 4) Plato 5) Euclid 6) Darwin 7) Haldane 8) Euler 9) Gauss 10) Pauling

Though I confess understanding only snatches of some of them.

Brief summaries

  • uddAlaka AruNi: the idea that structure of the physical world can be analyzed in terms of combination of a small collection of fundamental principles.
  • kaNada: the analysis of nature using discrete atoms & laws relating to them.
  • pata~njali: The principle of homology to infer function from structural relationships.
  • Plato: the world of Platonic ideals whose approximations are “refracted” into the physical world
  • Euclid: axiomatic thought& the systematization of geometry
  • Darwin: The foundations of biology: descent with modification & evolution through natural selection
  • Haldane: Enzyme kinetics, chemical origin of life, kin selection, geometric foundations of biology, genetic foundations of evolutionary theory.
  • Euler: The deep connections between arithmetic, exponential functions, trigonometry, and complex numbers; foundation of graph theory; and wave theory of light.
  • Gauss: Elliptical integrals, prime distribution, method of least squares & normal distribution, fast Fourier transforms, understanding curvature, geometries beyond Euclid, measuring earth’s magnetism.
  • Pauling: The chemical bond, the structure of biopolymers, inferring evolutionary relationships from structure of biopolymers.