On to shrI-parvata

Source: here.

The core altars of a kumAra-gR^iha. The green elements mark the fire altars

He sat in the place where the first of the pieces had fallen. In his mind’s eye h remembered the tale of the great grahanatha: “tArakAsura the accursed enemy of the gods wore a li~Nga around his neck that protected him from death as long as it was there. As he fought viShNu and vIrabhadra their weapons failed on him after prolonged and fierce duels. Finally the one born of the arrow-forest charged forth to meet the daitya. After a prolonged duel he finally struck the daitya with his charmed shakti, from which none escape. The shakti shattered the li~Nga into 5 fragments and the pierced the daitya-s broad chest slaying him. The pieces of the li~Nga fell on pR^ithivi and each became a maha-li~Nga in which The god is worshiped.” It was near the first of these pieces he had constructed a kumAra gR^iha. After having performed the kha-chakra-dharaNi he offered the oblations to the bull-headed nandikeshvara at the appropriate altar. Then he moved over to the altar of pilipichChikA and offered seven oblations: pilipichChikA, revatI, shakunI, ShaShThi, jAtahAriNi, mukhamaNDikA and devasenA on the pa~nchami day. Even as the last oblation hit the fire a terrifying graha named pariprakAsha arose, filling the air with awe that only the masters of the mahAmantra know. He muttered the graha-stotraM was transported to the great mound of shrI-parvata by that awful graha. Atop shrIparvata he remained lying at night performing the complete cycle of the kha-chakra-dhyAna. He joined the siddhaugha.

The start- and end-point of the kha-chakra-dhyAna