The aspirants

Source: here.

RM had a charismatic appearance and could present a himself as an intellectual. He was not a svayaM prakAsha but picked up knowledge from different generally reticent sources and presented to his circle of largely ignorant friends. He widely lectured to youngsters about the Hindu ways of mythology, philosophy, exercise and ritual performance. Most of his crowd was bored and clueless, forced to attend RM’s earnest lectures at their equally clueless parents behest. N ran a similar show of teaching the veda, more as a socializing process, also participated in the above sessions. But RM disapproved of his teaching the veda in such a non-serious way but still enjoyed the social intercourse N generated through his activities. I kept out of all of this despite several requests because I dwelt in the middle of the rasArNava as the sAkShi but not the kartA. The one linked to me gave me input to the outer social world, these were sthUla, or mundane links. But R was the link to the sUkShma or the tattvas that we sought to witness as the sAkShi.

RM noticed that in his vast flotsam mass, even as the mass with which we travelled on the nadI on the boat, there were two peculiar ones. Knowing that they were beyond the crowd, and that they might benefit from a more advanced course, RM sent them to R. R in turn sent one of them to me under peculiar circumstances. We waited at the square where we had deluded many with the moha conferred on us by mahAgaNapati. There were saw our accquaintence kanduka-netra of the second varNa, who was a practical master of the madana-shAstra with that rasping accent like a stick rattling on a railing. He went around us 5 times without seeing us and finally converged on us. We talked to kanduka-netra as though we were an unmatta — he still saw through to see me behind all that. There were two others with us during this meeting. One only saw us as the unmatta, while the second one saw through us. I said to that second one, three words one in the dramiDa bhASha, one in the mahAraTTi language and one in deva bhASha. The second one replied in deva bhASha. We had gotten the data we wanted and bade them good bye to eat their abhojya food. We promptly reported this to R, who said: “Wait till the mouse comes to the trap, and let not the cat go after the mouse”. The lock and key had fitted.