The passing characters

Source: here.

Fancying myself as the wandering vrAtya I wandered in the mAnuSha lokaH. I noticed many leaving images in the eye and then in the brain. At face value these images are useless, but who knows, they may be the well-springs of future thoughts on the great moha. I appreciate daNDin that jewel of the bR^ihatcharaNa-s because of the word “bhramati”. I wandered beside the river holding my kapAla given to silence observing all. Poor and rich men of various races. Men bereft of skills, very skilled but un-wanted and full of handy abilities. Scurrying like shailUShas and mAgadhas and mankha-s they went about their business hoping to fill their bellies. There were women with the great beauty of yakSiNis and apsaras and others with the form of rAkShasis in ashoka-vana, also going about their existence. We had intersected in life with a friend who discovered humor in Telugu and Tamil films. We wondered if there were others in the world on that path — it was not before long in our wanderings before we saw many such. We saw another northerner revelling in his chalices of mada. Another northerner was singing songs of taurIya gAnaM, moving all hearers. We saw others reveling in their respective moha-s, the ephemeral world. Their jollity was much like the boat ride we were on.

We intersected with some and completely failed to do so with others. We used to play a private game with our maNDala. We would choose the name of a gene from a chosen organism and ask the other person to tell us all s/he knew of the protein it coded. When one could not the other won a point. Only those who could play this game were our true friends, else our other true companions were clansman. As we were wandering we wished to play the game, but we had none by our side to do so. So we used our divya dR^iShTi to connect with one who could and continued to do so. We then heard a group of drunken shailUSha-s, mAgadha-s and puMShcali-s making a lot of noise. We moved past all that as the vrAtya learning of indra’s gifts to the world of men. We then saw a mahAjana, who was considered the eko-mAnuSha AnandaH in out midst. He was seated on throne, with bone and stones about him, attended by his family, swilling various pAnaka-s and eating cullinary delights. We moved to him, who was endowed with all the splendor and humbly asked how is it that he had come to be thus favored by maghavan. He pointed to the tulA above the vR^ishchika. We had learned the lesson of the tulAdhara.