Tracked by the 3 kR^ityA-s

Source: here.

Mn, Jx and me assembled for the long awaited Kuriltai of the clan on the steppes. The only one missing from our old clan assembly was the muni, who was doing his time beside the somesha shrine where we spent the most liberated days of our existence when our aged clansmen who have now attained vaivasvata were still alive. Those days were our introduction to the sanAtana dharma and aswell as the seeds of our future. She who is not a clanswoman but our companion in exploits like ekAnaMshA was also missing on account of her advanced level of maturity probably having surpassed us ruffians when we became a band. We were having this saMgama after a gap of more than 10 years. We both realized how Jx had been freed from the grip of the abhichAra of Fourier’s party by his yoga. Jx was doing pretty well and in good health. Mn and me were a touch nervous about the place were we held our Kuriltai for we were not free from the cloud– it was the place that proved my Gaugamela on not one, but two occasions. Mn and me knew that if we were found together the bagalAmukhI attack could be simultaneously launched on us. Of the clansmen Mn was rarely around these days so the whole saMgaMa was as rare as a conjunction marking the begining of the kaliyuga per the Hindu calender. Mn’s behavior was best approximated by that of a musalendra, while the muni who stood on the other shore thought and acted possibly much like us.

Given the rarity of the event we were savoring every moment of it, forgetting all about the kR^ityA-s, behaving like the ruffians we naturally were. Our sakhi had said “Mn and Jx lie in the middle because of their genes. The changing memes around them have made them move from the middle to the end. You lie at the other end. But together you all are back to the middle”. I confirmed this and remarked to myself any one should be a fool to doubt the evolutionary theory. We were seeing it before us, like a kAlarAtrI, consuming all, like the punishing dharma-daNDa of deva varuNa, nay we could see ourselves rushing into its gaping mouth like sUtaputra, droNa and suyodhana. By virtue of their genes they were there and were here. I privately heard the news that shveta-shUdra was deep trouble. The muni alone, we said in unison was the bearer of the weight, though one could never write of the Mn.

Mn remembered the “crane’s flight” and strangely we saw the sign of the monstrous crane as we were ambling through. I allowed Mn to go ahead and tarried with Jx. To my horror I saw the 3 three come after me: avachanA, shuchimukhA and lohashR^i~NkhalA. I parried avachanA with my protective vidyA’s and made her vanish. But my horror apariklinnA rushed after me. Temporarily she left me to pursue Mn. I was tortured repeated by shuchimukhI, but I kept her at bay. Me and Mn stuck to Jx as the umbrella of his protection also kept us safe. When, finally the kuriltai ended I stepped away hoping that the rahasya of atharvana bhadrakAlI would keep me safe. I was attacked at that point by lohashR^i~NkhalA– after a fiery attempt I broke past her with my own bala. While safely at the other end I saw the mUlakR^ityA escape and hide under pillow. avachanA, apariklinnA and shuchimukhI were still hovering around but were unable to completely breach my shield while they repeatedly kept poking.

The muni seeing the danger sent a jAnasruteya bird: “Most people think that “yAM kalpayantI” is the rahasya of pratya~ngIrA, but the true mUla rahasya is the triShTubh. That is atharvaNa bhadra kAlI herself. It is the yoni of indra. You know that those who really know the atharvan lore know this rahasya. You know that three are the cats. indra is the emergent and indra is its striking power. Know it to be so. But between you and the kuNDa lies the kR^ityA. You are surrounded like abhimanyu, but those who know it can penetrate the chakra vyUha.”