The southward passage

Source: here.

sUryaM cakShur gachChatu vAtaM AtmA dyAM ca gachCha pR^ithivIM ca dharmaNA |
apo vA gachCha yadi tatra te hitam oShadhIShu pratitiShThA sharIraiH ||

(kaliyuga 5107, month: chaitra, shukla ekAdashi, magha)
Having reached the end of his span alloted by the son of vivasvAn he has joined the line of the long past ones under the star of the manes. He has gone the way of the great and first of the atharvaN-s, bhR^igu. He has joined the line of chyavAna, dadhIchi, bR^ihaddiva, apnavAna, vatsa, the fiery aurva, R^ichIka, jamadagni, rAma, kabandha, somAhUtI, vAjaratna, somashuShma, vidarbha, sumantu, mANDukya and other great atharvaN-s. But afterall he has met his gati in the upward journey of the sun.

With singing of the sAmans may he go southwards to reach his destination in sUrya, in vAta, in dyaus, in pR^ithivI, in the waters and the plants. And they hope the tree of bhR^igu may grow on…