The wanderings

Source: here.

yo vai rudraH sa bhagavAn yash cha mR^ityus tasmai vai namo-namaH ||

sa rudro vasu-vanir-vasudeye namovAke vaShaTkAro .anu saMhitaH |
tasyeme sarve yAtava upa prashiShamAsate |
tasyAmU sarvA nakShatrA vashe chandramasA saha ||

yo .agnau rudro yo .apsv antar ya oShadhIr vIrudha Avivesha |
ya imA vishvA bhuvanAni chaklape tasmai rudrAya namo .astv agnaye |
yo rudro .agnau yo rudro .apsv antar yo rudra oShadhIr vIrudha Avivesha |
yo rudra imA vishvA bhuvanAni chaklape tasmai rudrAya namo-namaH |
yo rudro .apsu yo rudra oShadhiShu yo rudro vanaspatiShu |
yena rudreNa jagad UrdhvaM dhAritaM pR^ithivI dvidhA tridhA dhartA dhAritA nAgA ye .antarikShe tasmai rudrAya vai namo-namaH |
mUrdhAnam asya saMsevyApy atharvA hR^idayaM cha yat
mastiShkAd UrdhvaM prerayaty avamAno .adhishIrShataH ||

The god was our only companion– we descended to pAtAla and walked around the regions where we had seen yasha and roga. We began to reminesce: Then there was AshA, there was the indrajAla too. We flew like a bird that had never seen a cage, we were filled with the confidence of youth. Then we saw Hayastanika and her grandmother and started moving slowly towards the great shmashAna. We first passed the wooden bridge where numerous revellers were sporting by the river. Then we advanced to the path by the shmashAna. We were all by ourselves. There were trees and the rustling of their in the breeze. There was a little pond and a hollow beyond that and great grassy plains further beyond. There in silence we sat- we were seeing the vidyA. Towards us came those reduced to pretas. While those full of jIva ran away from us. That was the realm of bhavA-sharvA, the bhUtapati.