The last journey

Source: here.

Having completed his existence as he has passed into the lists of pitR^is, joining the line of AN^girasas and ikShvAkus of yore (Ardra kR^iShNa ShaShTi; Ashvina mAsa; kali yuga 5106).

imaM yama prastaramA hi sIdAN^girobhiH pitRbhiHsaMvidAnaH /
A tvA mantrAH kavishastA vahantvenA rAjanhaviShA mAdayasva //

Come, sit on this bed of grass, O yama, along with the AN^girasas, the fathers.
let the mantras recited by the kavis bring you O king yama, let this oblation make you happy.

aN^girobhirA gahi yajñiyebhir yama vairUpair iha mAdayasva /
vivasvantaM huve yaH pitA te.asmin yajñe barhiShyAniSadya //

Come, yama, with the AN^girasas, the ritualists, rejoice here with many fold AN^girasa sacrificers.
To sit on grass at our rite, I call vivasvAn, too, thy father here.

agniShvAttAH pitara eha gachChata sadaH-sadaH sadata supraNItayaH /
attA havIMShi prayatAni barhiSh-yathA-rayiM sarva vIraM dadhAtana //

Fathers whom agni’s flames have eaten, come here: you well disposed guests, take ye each your place in order.
Eat sacrificial offerings presented on the grass: grant riches with a many hero sons.

sUryaM chakShur gachChatu vAtam AtmA dyAM cha gachCha pRthivIM cha dharmaNA /
apo vA gachCha yadi tatra te hitam oShadhIShu prati tiShThA sharIraiH //

The sun receives your eye, vAta your breath; go, as per your dharma proceed to earth or the skies.
Go, if its thus destined, to the waters; go, be stationed in the plants with the elements of your body.

Proceed on the path as manu did, as ikShvAku did, purukutsa did and the great bowman and hero trasadasyu did. May the fierce yama, who is stalking with fierce nooses, ensnaring all, let that line of trasadasyu to continue.