
Source: here.

svastrI had gone to check the original hall for its temperature and reported that as she came out she saw tura~NgA. My ugrakAmI tried to ask tura~NgA what she was doing there but she ran away. svastrI tried to chase her but even the pumAn have never beaten tura~NgA. The muni knew this as me and the muni had one watched a long gone duShTa chase tura~NgA and failed. I was intensely agitated by the display of tura~NgA, but the young muni who had transcended the rasArNava was unmoved. But svastrI was unusually alarmed of tura~NgA’s presence and changed the venue. I started thinking of tura~NgA and saw the two shakunas. I was puzzled as when I noticed them first but I still do not understand them. But we still march ahead- for they all these shakunas are only for traders and not true warriors.