
  • और्वपौत्रः ऋचीकपुत्रः (इत्थम् ब्रह्माण्डपुराणे)। एष खलु परशु-रामपिता रेणुकापतिस् तपस्वी। कार्त्तवीर्यार्जुनस्यातिथ्यं चकार स्वस्य कामधेन्वा। स हीर्षया तां जग्राह धेनम्। क्रोधस्योपरि जयस्य कथा ऽत्र
  • रेणुका क्षत्रियजन्मा।
    • (MT). " The tale goes that the mighty jamadagni was practising archery, when she used to go and collect the arrows he used to shoot at the targets. She was distressed in course of this activity by the sun’s heat, when jamadgni is supposed to have threatened to hit the sun with his great astras. This had the gods give reNukA shade to help her with the sun. But there is not much doubt despite later day euphemisms that she did clearly have an affair with the [Yadu] prince of mArtikavata… But many have asked me the question what happened to reNukA after her son rAma restored her to jamadagni’s grace. The history states that she indeed redeemed herself. The fierce vItahavyas, protected by the Atreya’s prayogas, bent on revenge, breached the defenses of jamadagni and attacked him while he was deep in meditation. While a once fiery archer, the old bhR^igu was now in meditation and his valiant sons were far away. reNukA boldly picked up jamadagni’s weapons and stood in the path of the vItihotras, tAlajhanga and tuNDikeras who rushed in with their bows upraised. They struck her their missiles and killed her. It is said she received 21 wounds before falling dead. Then they struck jamadagni with the dattAtreya missiles. jamadagni’s brahman power was vaporized by the weapons charged with the atri’s brahman and he dropped dead. With that the Atreya had got back the brahman power of the atris that had been sucked out by our fiery ancestor aurva."
    • “1 persistent narrative is that she obtained the cures of for various poxes and herpes after being banished by j for the adultery from the ashvin-s. She then returned to j with her blemishes cleared with these cures. Now yellamma appears to have been a folk goddess of the poxes. That seems to have been fused with reNukA and mixed with the adultery and beheading tales. interestingly, the 21 wounds reNukA received in the above-linked tale while attempting to defend jamadagni from the vItahavya-s are said to be the marks of the poxes associated with yellammA. …. even in the eastern Dravidian country the folk story of the origin of mArI disconnects her from the shaiva tradition and instead has her emerge from reNukA after reNUkA’s head was placed on the body of her servant named chakkalachi. In some Tam mArI temples you will see a figure of a v1 which is none other than jamadagni bhArgava. There are also two other curious figures associated with her. A bull-headed attend called poTTurAja and a v3 hero who also serves as her servant.”


  • भार्गवो रामः
  • अन्ये - Ṛumaṇvān, Suhotra, Vasu and Viśvāvasu
    • alekhana→sharkarakSha→sanka→pila→vihInara→barha→R^itabhAga→etaSha→aitaSha→somashuShman→jana→savarNa→jihItaya→maNDavit→suviShTa→vikarNa→… अत्र श्रीवत्सगोत्रम्!