

Two sons are given to Cyavana and Sukanya, Apnavāna and Dadhica. Apnavāna is mentioned in the Rigveda," and his name is corrupted in the Puranas to Apnuvāna, Apravāna, Atmavāna 8 and Ātmavant.


The Matsya Purana says that Bhrigu married Paulomi to whom were born the 12 Yajnika Devas and two Vipras. The two Vipras were Chyavana and Apnuvana. Apnuvana was the father of Aurva from whom was born Jamadagni. This Purana makes Chyavana and Apnavana brothers which seems unlikely.

The Matsya account wrongly makes Cyavana and Apnavāna brothers, because Apnavāna’s wife Ruci has the patronymic Nābuşī, which means no doubt that she was daughter of the Aila king Nahuşa, so that he would have been a younger contemporary of Nahusa and therefore a descendant rather than brother of Cyavana. Dadhica is hopelessly enveloped in fable.10 A son Sārasvata is assigned to him, of whom a fable is narrated.11 Another account gives another son, Pramati, to Cyavana, 12 but the connexion has been greatly contracted as will be explained. The genealogy says Apnavāna’s son was Urva, but it has contracted the pedigree, because, as the following account shows, Urva was later and therefore was a descendant.13 - Partiger


Ruchi, the daughter of Nahusha married Apravana and they got a son named Aurva. Rchaka was born through Aurva and Jamadagni was born from Rchaka. - ब्रह्माण्डपुराणे.

“Vatsa, after whom our Gotra is named, was born from Apnavana. Vatsa had a son named Etasha, who married Aurushi to beget the fierce Aurva.” इति केचित्।


In 4.7.1, Vamadeva Gautama lauds Agni as follows

अ॒यम् इ॒ह प्र॑थ॒मो धा॑यि धा॒तृभि॒र् होता॒ यजि॑ष्ठो अध्व॒रेष्वीड्यः॑ ।
यम् अप्न॑वानो॒ भृग॑वो विरुरु॒चुर् वने॑षु चि॒त्रं वि॒भ्वं॑ वि॒शेवि॑शे ॥

“This invoker of the Gods and the minister of frequent worship, who is to be glorified at sacrifices, has been placed first (of the Gods) by the performers of the Yajna : Agni, whom Apnavana and other Bhrigus lighted in the woods for the sake of the men, marvelous (in his acts) and sovereign (over all).”

औ॒र्व॒भृ॒गु॒वच् छुचि॑म् अप्नवान॒वद् आ हु॑वे । अ॒ग्निं स॑मु॒द्रवा॑ससं ॥
The same mantra (8.102.4) appears in the Taittiriya Samhita as well.