The magic formula of the bhR^igus

Source: here.

प्र सुवनः सोम ऋतायुश् चिकेत
+इन्द्राय ब्रह्म जमदग्निर् अर्चन्।
वृषा यन्ता ऽसि, शवसस् तुरस्य
+अन्तर्यच्छ गृणते धर्तं दृंह॥

pra suvAnaH soma R^itayush chiketendrAya brahMa jamadagnir archan /
vR^iShA yantA .asi shavasas turasyAntaryachCha gR^iNate dhartaM dR^igMha //

soma, endowed with the R^ita becomes visible when extracted,
jamadagni chants the hymn to indra;
you are the mighty restrainer of impetuous force;
Ward it off and strengthen the scaffold for the sacrificer.