09 translations of selected verses

appendix e:

translations of selected verses

Dr Shankar Rajaraman
VidvānḤV. Nagaraja Rao

Various Verses - Dr Shankar Rajaraman

Verse (page 7):

prajñā·m ūla·mahī vivēka·salilaiḥsiktā balopaghnikā mantraiḥpallavitā viśāla·viṭapā sandhy’ādibhis.’ṣaḍguṇaiḥ|

śaktyā korakitā yaśas’surabhitā siddhyā samudyat’phalā samprāptā bhuvi bhāti ṉīti·latikā sarvottaraṁ mādhavaṁ Translation:

Sprinkled with waters in the form of wisdom, discretion and territorial domain, supported by an army standing for a stake, having respectively for its tender shoots and vast branches the advice of ministers and the sixfold course of action starting with treaty, putting forth a multitude of buds that is regal power, fragrant with fame and fruitful at the advent of success, the tender creeper of polity, fiirmly rooted in earth, looks pretty in association with Mādhava (Vidyāraṇya/spring), foremost among all (men/seasons).810

Verse (page 18):

*vāme bh ūmi·sutā puraś’ca hanumān paścāt sumitrā·sutah. *

śatrughno bharataś’ca pārśva·daḷayor vāyvādi·koṇeṣu ca |

sugrīvaś’ca vibhīṣaṇaś’ca yuvarāṭtārā·suto jāmbavān madhye ṉīla·saroja·komala·ruciṁ rāmaṁ bhaje śyāmalam ∥


With Sītā on the left, Hanumān in front, Lakṣmaṇa behind, Śatrughna and Bharata on either side, Lord Rāma, dark-hued and splendidly beautiful like a blue-lotus, sits in the middle, surrounded by Sugrīva, Vibhīṣaṇa, prince Aṇgada, and Jāmabavān in the four cardinal points beginning with the northwest. Him, I take recourse to.

810See footnote 47 for more information.


translations of selected verses


Verse (page 395):

vāmāṇke girijā puras’tricaraṇaḥpaścāc.’ca nandīśvarō herambaś’ca guhaś’ca pārśva·dalayōr vāyvādi·koṇeṣu ca |

*caṇḍīśo’pi ca bhairavas’savinayo bāṇas’tathā rāvaṇah. *

tan’madhye sphuṭa·puṇḍārīka·ruciraṁ śrī·ṉīlakaṇṭhaṁ bhaje ∥


With Pārvatī seated on his left lap, the three-legged Bhr̥ṇgī in front, Nandī behind, Gaṇeśa and Kumāra on either side, Lord Śiva, splendid like a full-blown lily, sits in the middle, surrounded by Caṇḍīśvara, Bhairava, the humble rākṣasaBāṇa and Rāvaṇa in the four cardinal points, starting with the northwest. Him, I take recourse to.

Verse (page 20):

anāghrāta·vyaṇgyair aparicita·śabdārtha·racanair


*yaśo·mātr’āṇk ūrān’nava·nava·durāśaiḥkukavibhih. *

duradhvē vyākr̥ṣṭā bhagavati vipannāsi kavitē ∥


They catch not even the faintest smell of suggestiveness. The art of bringing sound and sense together is foreign to them. They have never fiigured out the various fiigures of speech. Words splendidly infused with aesthetic sentiments are unknown to them. And just because they have sprouted some fame, these poetasters, greedier with every passing moment, dare drag you into wrong paths. You are doomed, O divine Muse.

Verse (page 30):

nr̥simhākhyē gaṇḍa·śailē varadākhyo mahāmaṇiḥ|

nipatya khalu tatraiva vyaśīryata sahasradhā ∥


A great gem named Varada fell on the hillock called Nr̥siṁha and split up into a thousand pieces at that very spot.


sons of sarasvatī

Verse (page 35):

tvam’asi rasika·madhye maṇgaḷa·svāna·ramya·

s’samara·mr̥dita·śatruḥkiñca rambhā·ratī’cchuḥ|

dara·dhara·hr̥dayō’ham nēśvara·śrīr jitō’nyaih

mama vitara samr̥ddhyai mandiram kā kṣatis’tē ∥


See page 35.

Verse (page 37):

niḥsvatā·yuvati·cumbana·jany’onmāda·mūla·kavitā·kr̥ti·dakṣaṁ |

sarva·loka·parihāsa·padaṁ mām ko nirīkṣya na bhavet karunārdrah.∥


Poverty, my ever-youthful sweetheart, kisses me and leaves me insane enough to compose poetry. I am the subject of universal ridicule. Is there anyone at all who could look at me and yet not feel pity?

Verse (page 52):

lakṣmī·śāradayōs’svaya ˙n’gr̥ha·patir’dātā dayāluḥkṣamī jāmātā dharaṇīśa·kr̥ṣṇa·nr̥patēś’śrīliṇgarāja·prabhuḥ|

bhāvābdē sahasi dvipāsya·divasē vārē śanēr’ viṣṇu·bhē śrīkaṇṭh’āṇghri·sarōruha·bhramaratāṁ āpat’tapōbhir’nijaih. ∥


It was on a Saturday, the day of Caturthī presided over by the asterism Śravaṇa in the month of Mārgaśīrśa, in the year called Bhāva, that His Highness Liṇgarāja, son-in-law of king Kr̥ṣṇarāja Wodeyar, self-chosen groom of the Goddesses of wealth and learning alike, munifiicent, kind-hearted and forbearing became, by the dint of his penance, a bumblebee at the lotus-feet of Lord Śrīkaṇṭha.

translations of selected verses


Verse (page 53):

badhṉīmō vayam’añjali·

sampuṭam’avanamritē mūrdhni |

dadhnā sikta·kalēbaram

arbhakam’ēkaṁ purāṇam’uddiśya ∥


With hands cupped on heads bent low in reverence, we offer our salutations to the primeval child whose limbs are smeared with fresh curds.

Verse (page 55):

mukhañ’ca candra·pratimaṁ timaṁ timam

kucau ca pīnau kaṭhinau ṭhinau ṭhinau |

kaṭir’viśālā rabhasā bhasā bhasā

ahō vicitrā taruṇī ruṇī ruṇī ∥


Her face is moon-like-ike-ike. Her breasts are rounded and unyielding-ding-ding. Her hips are broad and sway swiftly-tly-tly. She is a wonder—this maiden-den-den! (This is nonsense verse.)

Citrak āvyaTranslations

Dr Shankar Rajaraman

Verse (page 55):

smara·śriyaṁ yaṁ tarasā rasā’rasā

nirīkṣya gōpyō mumuhur’ muhurmuhuḥ|

anudravad’dhēnu·paramparaṁ param

tam’ēha jihvē vada nanda·nandanaṁ ∥


hē jihvē, smaraśriyaṁ yaṁ nirīkṣya tarasā rasārasāh. (rasālasāh.) gōpyaḥmuhurmuhuḥmumuhuḥ, taṁ anudravaddhēnuparamparaṁ paraṁ nanda-nandanaṁ ēva vada |


*jihvē:*o, my tongue; *smaraśriyaṁ:*akin to the Lord of love in beauty; yaṁ: he that is (correlates with taṁ); *nirīkṣya:*glancing, beholding; *tarasā:*vehe-mently, quickly, instantly; *rasārasā:*languid with love (since raand laare in-terchangeable, the word *rasārasāh.*actually means *rasālasāḥ,*since raand la are allophones; *gōpyaḥ:*cowherd women; *muhurmuhuḥ:*again and again, repeatedly; *mumuhuḥ:*lost their senses; *taṁ:*him; anudravad + dhenu

*+ paraṁparaṁ:*followed by a herd of cows; *paraṁ:*supreme; *nandanan-danaṁ:*son of Nandagopa; *ēva:*alone; *vada:*chant (the name).


O, my tongue! I implore you to chant the name of Nanda’s son alone.

Looking at Him, the Supreme Lord, who is akin to the god of love in his charm and is accompanied by a herd of cows, the cowherd-girls, instantly languid with passion, repeatedly lost their senses.

Verse (page 55):

vr̥ṣā’py’upēkṣā·priyayā yayā yayā·

v’adhaśca bhikṣāñ’jagr̥hē gr̥hē gr̥hē |

dayārdray’airāvata·yātayā tayā

vaya ˙n’galad’dainya·may’āmayā mayā ∥


translations of selected verses



upēkṣāpriyayā yayā vrṣā api adhaḥyayau gr̥hē gr̥hē bhikṣāṁ ca jagr̥hē, tayā dayārdrayā airāvatayātayā mayā (lakṣmyā) vayaṁ galaddainyamayāmayā Vocabulary:

*upēkṣāpriyayā:*given to indifference, uncaring; *yayā:*by whom; *vr̥ṣā:*Indra; *api:*also; *adha:*below, down; *yayau:*go, reach; *gr̥hē gr̥hē:*at every house; *bhikṣāṁ:*alms; *jagr̥hē:*accept; *tayā:*by her; *dayārdrayā:*fiilled with fresh compassion; *airāvatayātayā:*of a gait majestic like that of the celestial elephant Airāvata; *mayā:*by the goddess Lakṣmī; *vayaṁ:*we; *galat-dainya-maya-āmayāḥ:*freed of the disease of poverty.


Freed are we of our disease of poverty by the goddess Lakṣmī, who is full of fresh compassion and matches the celestial elephant, Airāvata, by her measured gait. Spurned by Her, even Indra had to make a steady descent into the lower regions of the world and live on alms obtained by begging at every door.

Verse (page 56):

*tav’āmba kund’ōtkara·dāradā radāh. *

kuc.’ābham’ētan’na tu kantu·kantukaṁ |

*dr̥śōs’sakhāyō’jina·yōnayō’nayōh. *

kacō’rcitōñcan’naḷinālinā’ḷinā ∥


amba, tava radāḥkundōtkara-dāra-dāḥ, ētat kucābhaṁ natu (nanu?) kan-tukantukaṁ, anayōḥdr̥śōḥsakhāyaḥajinayōnayaḥ, kacaḥañcannalinālinā alinā arcitaḥ|


*amba:*Divine Mother! *tava:*your; *radāḥ:*teeth; kundōtkara-dāra-dāḥ: imparting ( *dāh. *) a state of being split ( dāra) to heaps of jasmine flowers ( kundōtkara); *ētat:*this; *kucābhaṁ:*appearing like your breasts; *nanu:*is verily; *kantu-kantukaṁ:*a ball for Kāma to play with; *anayōḥ:*of these two; *dr̥śōḥ:*eyes; *sakhāyaḥ:*friends; *ajinayōnaḥ:*antelopes; *kacaḥ:*tresses; añcat

*+ nalina + ālinā:*towards which rows ( *āli)*of lotuses ( nalina) bend in reverence ( añcat); *alinā:*by a bumblebee; *arcita:*esteemed.


sons of sarasvatī


O Divine Mother! Your teeth rip apart the pride of jasmine heaps. What appears to be your rounded breast is verily a ball for Kāma to sport with.

Antelopes are your eyes’ natural allies. And your curly tresses are esteemed by bumblebees that flourish amidst rows of lotuses.

Verse (page 56):

*pravāḷa·kānti·prakar’ākarā karāh. *

radac.’chada·śrīr’tarun.’ārun.’āruṇā |

iti sphut.’ōpāsanayā’nayā nayā·

my’ahāni sarva·kratavas’tava stavah. ∥


*(tava) karāḥpravāla-kānti-prakara-ākarāḥ, (tava) radacchada-śrīḥtaruṇa-aruṇa-aruṇā | iti anayā sphuṭa-upāsanayā ahani nayāmi | sarvakratavah. *

tava stavaḥ|


*(tava): *(your); *karāḥ:*arms; *pravāla-kānti-prakara-ākarāḥ:*are the repositories ( *ākarāh. *) of the heaps ( prakara) of luster ( kānti) emanating from corals ( pravāla), i.e., your arms are as lustrous as corals; radacchadda-śrīḥ: the shine on your lips; *taruṇa-aruṇa-aruṇā:*is ruddy like that of the rising sun; *iti:*in this manner; *anayā:*by this; *sphuṭa-upāsanayā:*explicit form of worship/reverence; *ahani:*days; *nayāmi:*I will pass/lead; sarva-kratavaḥ: all ritualistic sacrifiices; *tava:*your; *stavaḥ:*praise.


Your arms are the repositories of coralline radiance and your crimson lips match the color of the newly risen sun. And all rituals are but your eulogies–

May my days pass with such earnest adoration.

translations of selected verses


Verse (page 56):



manōratha·drur’mama nāma nā’manā·

k’phalaḥkathaṁ vā’bja·padē padē·padē ∥


*(hē) abjapadē, tavānugraha-dōha-dōhadaḥ, dayā-plutaḥ, apāṇga-lava-ālavāla-vān, mama manōratha-druḥkathaṁ nāma padē padē amanāk-phalah. *

*na bhavēt *


*abjapadē:*O Goddess with feet like lotuses!; *tava:*your; *anugraha-dōhadōhada:*with the flow of your grace for the dōhadaritual; *dayā-pluta:*watered by your compassion; *apāṇga-lava-ālavāla-vān:*with your casual side-glance for its basin; *mama:*my; *manōratha-druḥ:*tree of desires; kathaṁ: how; *nāma:*surely; *padē padē:*again and again; *amanāk-phalaḥ:*bearing plentiful fruits; *na:*not; *bhavēt:*shall become.


O Goddess with feet pretty like lotuses! How, I ask of you, shall the tree of my desires not bear plentiful fruit? The continuous flow of your grace is the dōhadaritual that puts it to bloom, your compassion the water that nourishes it and your casual side-glance the basin within which it grows.811

Verse (page 56):

budh’ālir’ēkā mahit’ēhitē hi tē

tav’ābhibh ūtā sva·pad’āpadā padā |

nirasta·kalpa·prasav’āsavā savā·

g’rasaiḥpar’ābhukta·savā sa·vāsavā ∥

811 Dōhadais a ritual performed by ladies so trees may bring forth flowers. The notion is that trees, like pregnant women, have desires that must be fulfiilled (also see footnote 627).

The Aśoka, for instance, is said to crave a kick from the bejeweled feet of beautiful maidens. See Kālidāsa’s *Uttaramegha,*18 : “raktāśokaścalakisalaya kesarascātra kāntaḥ| pratyā-sannau kurabakavr̥termādhavīmaṇḍapasya ∥ ekaḥsakhyāstava saha mayā vāmapadābhilāṣī

*| kāṇkṣatyanyo vadanamadirāṁ dohadacchadmanāsyāh. ∥” *


sons of sarasvatī


mahita-īhite, hite, ekā sa-vāsavā budha-āliḥsvapada-āpadā, tava padā abhibh ūtā (sati) nirasta-kalpa-prasava-āsavā, a-sa-vāk, para-ābhukta-savā (āsīt) Vocabulary:

*mahita-īhite:*of desires that are esteemed, she that respects what others desire; *hite:*gracious, benefiicial; *ekā:*one, unique; *sa-vāsavā:*accompanied by Indra; *budha-āliḥ:*assembly of gods; *svapada-āpadā:*because of the calamity ( āpata) affecting their own ( sva) abode ( pada); *tava:*your; padā: foot; *abhibh ūtā:*dishonored; *nirasta-kalpa-prasava-āsavā:*not having access ( nirasta) to the wine ( āsava) made from the flowers ( prasava) of the wish-yielding trees ( kalpa); *a-sa-vāk:*without words, mute; *rasaiḥ:*joyfully, passionately; *para-ābhukta-savā:*with the sacrifiicial rituals ( sava) meant for them being enjoyed ( ābhukta) by their enemies ( para); *(āsīt): *(was).


O favorable Goddess, holding high regard for the wishes of your devotees!

When your feet no longer provided refuge to the assembly of demigods—

their heavenly abode in grave danger—the latter, cheated of the sweet wine prepared from the flowers of the wish-yielding trees, mutely watched as their jubilant enemies partook of the sacrifiicial offerings.

Verse (page 57):

kamalā punātu bhava·śōka·malā·

n’avadh ūya māṁ garuḍa·yāna·vadhūḥ|

sumanā natā’vana·kalāsu manā·

g’avanamra·m ūrtir’agha·nāga·vanaṁ ∥


garuḍa-yāna-vadhūḥ, nata-avana-kalāsu sumanāḥmanāk-avanamra-mūrtiḥ, kamalā bhava-śōka-malān avadhūya agha-nāga-vanaṁ māṁ punātu Vocabulary:

*garuḍa-yāna-vadhūḥ:*The beloved wife of *viṣṇu,*whose vehicle is Garuḍa; *nata-avana-kalāsu:*in the art of protecting those that bow down to Her; *sumanāḥ:*clever; *manāk-avanamra-mūrtiḥ:*with a slightly stooping form; *kamalā:*Lakṣmī; *bhava-śōka-malān:*the dirt that is the sorrow of worldly existence; *avadh ūya:*removing; *agha-nāga-vanaṁ:*the forest that shelters serpents in the form of sins; *māṁ:*me; *punātu:*cleanse, purify.

translations of selected verses



Let Lakṣmī, the beloved wife of Viṣṇu, whose vehicle is *Garuḍa,*adept in the art of protecting Her suppliants and looking graceful with a slightly stooping form, remove the dirt of distressful material existence and cleanse me, who am the forest that shelters serpents in the form of dreaded sins.

Note: The poet’s use of the synonym *garuḍa-yāna-vadhūh.*for the Goddess suggests her capability in destroying the serpents in the form of sins.

Verse (page 58):

vandē śivaṁ dēśikam’apy’udañca·


mōhaṁ tamō hanta jighamsatāṁ svaṁ

dīpam nadī·pannaga·candra·bhūṣam ∥


hanta! udañcat-āmōda-dāmōdara-padmayōnyōḥapi dēśikaṁ, svaṁ mōhaṁ tamaḥjighāṁsatāṁ dīpaṁ, nadī-pannaga-candra-bhūṣaṁ śivaṁ vandē


*hanta:*exclamation of surprise and glee; *udañcat-āmōda-dāmōdara-padmayōnyōḥ:*of the happy duo Viṣṇu and Brahma; *api:*also, even; dēśikaṁ: master teacher; *svaṁ:*personal, one’s own; *mōhaṁ:*delusion, ignorance; *tamaḥ:*darkness; *jighāṁsatāṁ:*desirous to destroy; *dīpaṁ:*lamp; *nadī-pannaga-candra-bhūṣaṁ:*adorned with the river Gaṇgā, serpents, and the moon; *śivaṁ:*Lord Śiva; *vandē:*I salute.


Salutations to Lord Śiva—He who is Master of even Viṣṇu and Brahma, the joyous duo. Adorned with the celestial river, serpents and crescent moon, He is the lamp to those that desire to put an end to the darkness of their inner ignorance.


sons of sarasvatī

Verse (page 58):

stainyēna praṇayēna vā bhuvi sakr̥d yas’tē namas’stēnam’a·

py’amba tvaṁ paripāsi taṁ dalita·daurgatyā’hitā’tyāhitā |

padmē tvāṁ tu vayaṁ vacah.·parimaḷair āmōdayamō dayā·

m’ady’āpadya na cēt prasīdasi numaś’śrī·kāmataḥkām’atah. ∥


amba! bhuvi yaḥstainyena (?dainyena) praṇayena vā sakr̥t te namah. (iti *vadati) taṁ stēnam api dalita-daurgatya-ahita-atyāhitā paripāsi | padmē! *

vayaṁ tu tvāṁ vacaḥparimalaiḥāmōdayāmaḥ| adya dayāṁ āpadya na prasīdasi cēt śrī-kāmataḥataḥkāṁ numaḥ|


*amba:*O Divine Mother!; *bhuvi:*in the world; *yaḥ:*He who (correlative of sah.); *stainyāna (?dainyēna):*because of his theiving nature/improbity (?miserable state); *praṇayēna:*out of love; *vā:*or; *sakr̥t:*just once; te namaḥ: salutations to thee; *(iti vadati): *(utters thus); *taṁ:*Him; *stēnam:*thief; *api:*also; *dalita-daurgatya-ahita-atyāhitā:*destroying ( dalita) his poverty ( daurgatya), enemies ( ahita) and disagreeable state ( atyāhitā); *paripāsi:*you protect; *padmē:*Lakṣmī, *vayaṁ:*we; *tu:*on the other hand; *tvāṁ:*you; *vacaḥparimalaiḥ:*with our fragrant words; *āmōdayāmaḥ:*we delight (perfume) you; *adya:*today, now; *dayāṁ:*compassion; *āpadya:*having, taking; *na:*not; *prasīdasi:*become gracious; *cēt:*if; *śrī-kāmataḥ:*due to a desire for wealth and prosperity; *ataḥ:*because of this; *numaḥ:*we (shall) praise.


O Divine Mother! O Lakṣmī! When, in this world, even a thief utters these words: “Salutations to thee”, just once, whether out of desperation, love or even a desire to steal, you still protect him by putting an end to his poverty, destroying his enemies and ridding him of his despicableness. We, on the other hand, are ever ready to perfume you with our fragrant poetry. If you still choose not to be gracious by revealing to us your compassionate nature, who else should we, overcome with this intense desire for prosperity, praise?

Pray tell us.

translations of selected verses


Verse (page 58):

hr̥dyas’suhr̥d yas’sutarān’nidhīnāṁ

nētur’vinētur’viṣamāṁś’ca daityān |

jāyān’nijāyān’nidadhat’tanau sa

dēvō mudē vō munibhis’stutō’stu ∥


*yaḥnidhīnāṁ netuḥsutarāṁ hr̥dyaḥsuhr̥t, (yah.) viṣamān daityān vinētuh. *

*ca (sutarāṁ hr̥dyaḥsuhr̥t), nijāyāṁ tanau jāyāṁ nidadhat, munibhih. *

stutaḥsaḥdēvaḥvaḥmudē astu |


*yaḥ:*He (correlative of *sah. *); *nidhīnāṁ:*of the nine treasures; *netuḥ:*lord; *sutarāṁ:*extremely; *hr̥dyaḥ:*close to the heart; *suhr̥t:*friend; *(yah.):*He; *viṣamān:*wicked; *daityān:*demons; *vinētuḥ:*destroyer; *ca:*and; (sutarāṁ *hr̥dyaḥsuhr̥t):*a friend very close to the heart; *nijāyāṁ:*in one’s own; tanau: body; *jāyāṁ:*wife; *nidadhat:*placing; *munibhiḥ:*by the sages; *stutaḥ:*praised; *saḥ:*He; *dēvaḥ:*Lord; *vaḥ:*of you; *mudē:*happiness; *astu:*may He be.


Let Lord Śiva, who shares his body with his wife, who is a close friend of Kubēra, the guardian of treasures and of Viṣṇu, the destroyer of wicked demons and who is lauded by sages, confer happiness on you.

Verse (page 58):

vēdyā trivēdyā’tridiva·pras ūna·

dh ūḻī·madh ūḻī·masr̥ṇā’ṇghri·padmā |

rakṣō·bhara·kṣōbhakarī śubhāni

tanvīta tanvī taruṇēndu·mauḷēh. ∥


trivēdyā vēdyā, tridiva-pras ūna-dh ūḻī-madh ūḻī-masr̥ṇa-aṇghri-padmā, rakṣō-bhara-kṣōbha-karī, taruṇēndumaulēḥtanvī śubhāni tanvīta |


sons of sarasvatī


*trivēdyā:*by the three Vēdas; *vēdyā:*fiit to be known, understood; *tridiva-pras ūna-dh ūḻī-madh ūḻī-masr̥ṇa-aṇghri-padmā:*Her lotus-feet softened by the trickle of honey from, and the pollen of heavenly blossoms; *rakṣō-bhara-kṣōbha-karī:*causing agitation in the demonic hordes; taruṇēndumauleḥ: Śiva (He who wears the tender moon on his crest); *tanvī:*slender woman; *śubhāni:*prosperity, auspiciousness; *tanvīta:*bring about.


May the slender-limbed sweetheart of the moon-crested Śiva confer auspiciousness. With her lotus-feet softened by the trickle of honey and pollen-dust from celestial blossoms, She, fiit to be known through the three Vēdas, terrorizes the demonic hordes.

Verse (page 58):

kāma·prakāma·prahitaṁ kaṭākṣam

lōlamba·lōlaṁ bahudhā kirantī |

bhāvaṁ svabhāvaṁ sva·vaśaṁ nayantī

pāyād’apāyād’aniśaṁ bhavāṉī ∥


kāma-prakāma-prahitaṁ, lōlamba-lōlaṁ kaṭākṣaṁ bahudhā kirantī bhā-vaṁ svabhāvaṁ sva-vaśaṁ nayantī bhavāṉī aniśaṁ apāyāt pāyāt Vocabulary:

*kāma-prakāma-prahitaṁ:*fervently ( prakāma) dispatched ( prahitaṁ) with love ( kāma); *lōlamba-lōlaṁ:*as fiickle as a bee; *kaṭākṣaṁ:*side-ways glance; *bahudhā:*many times over; *kirantī:*casting; *bhāvaṁ:*Śiva’s, belonging to Śiva ( bhavasya idaṁ bhāvaṁ); *svabhāvaṁ:*nature; *sva-vaśaṁ:*under one’s own control; *nayantī:*bringing; *bhavāṉī:*Pārvatī, *aniśaṁ:*always; apāyāt: from diffiiculty; *pāyāt:*protect.


Repeatedly casting on Śiva Her side-glance that she dispatches fervently with love, and which is as fiickle as a bumblebee, She brings under Her control His very persona. May She, Bhavāni, always protect us from peril.

translations of selected verses


Verse (page 59):

nānā’ṇganānāṁ gaṇaṉīya·śōbhā

dāyādadā yādava·puṇgavasya |


jāy’ānujā yānuparōdham’indōh. ∥


nānā-aṇganānāṁ gaṇaṉīya-śōbhā, yādava-puṇgavasya dāyāda-dā, acyutasya anaghā jāyā, anuparōdhaṁ apāyāt pāyāt yā indōḥanujā |


*nānā-aṇganānāṁ:*Of several women; *gaṇaṉīya-śōbhā:*with a beauty that is worthy of consideration; *yādava-puṇgavasya:*to the foremost of Yādavas; *dāyāda-dā:*She that gifts an heir; *acyutasya:*of Kr̥ṣṇa; *anaghā:*faultless, sinless, pure; *jāyā:*wife; *anuparōdhaṁ:*without a break, continually; apāyāt: from danger; *pāyāt:*protect us; *yā:*She that (correlative of ); *indōḥ:*of the moon; *anujā:*younger sister.


May the sinless wife of Kr̥ṣṇa, whose beauty is esteemed by many a maiden, who is the younger sister of the moon and who gifted an heir to the foremost of the Yādavas, continually save us from calamity.

Verse (page 59):

*mātā ramā tārakit’ēva hāraih. *


dīnān’nadīnāṁ na jahātu patyus’

tādr̥k sutā dr̥k·sudhayā’rthinō nah. ∥


kaṇṭha-upakaṇṭha-upanata-pralambaiḥhāraiḥtārakitēva (satī) nadīnāṁ patyuḥtādr̥k sutā dr̥ksudhayā arthinaḥdīnān naḥna jahātu |


*kaṇṭha-upakaṇṭha-upanata-pralambaiḥ:*with strands ( pralamba) dangling ( upanata) close ( upakaṇṭha) to the neck ( kaṇṭha); *hāraiḥ:*pearl necklaces; *tārakitā:*starry, studded with stars; *iva *( satī): appearing as if she is; nadīn-

*āṁ:*of rivers; *patyuḥ:*lord; *tādr̥k:*of such and such nature; *sutā:*daughter;


sons of sarasvatī

*dr̥k-sudhayā:*with the nectar of her glances; *arthinaḥ:*supplicants; dīnān: poor, miserable; *naḥ:*us; *na:*not; *jahātu:*abandon.


Let the glorious daughter of the lord of rivers never withdraw her nectarine glances from us, her poor supplicants. She appears to be studded with stars in the form of many a pearl necklace whose multiple strands dangle close to her neck.

Verse (page 60):

śrī·vatsa·kaustubh’ālaṇkāra·sadmānō gr̥hīta·padmā nō |

kāmitam’ati·mandārāḥparamōdārāḥphalantu hari·dārāh. ∥


śrīvatsa-kaustubha-alaṁkr̥ta-sadmānaḥgr̥hītapadmā naḥkāmitam-ati-mandārāḥparama-udārāḥhari-dārāḥnaḥphalantu |


*śrīvatsa-kaustubha-alaṁkr̥ta-sadmānaḥ:*She whose abode (Viṣṇu’s chest) is adorned with the auspicious mark called śrīvatsaand the gem kaustubha; *gr̥hīta padmāḥ:*carrying a lotus; *kāmitam-ati-mandārāḥ: *(those) that surpass the (divine) tree mandārathat fulfiils our wishes; *parama-udārāḥ:*excessively glorious/generous; *hari-dārāḥ:*wife of Hari; *naḥ:*to us; phalantu: bear fruits.


May the most generous wife of Hari, whose abode is adorned with the śrīvatsamark and the gem kaustubha, who holds a lotus in her hand, and who surpasses the celestial (wish-fulfiilling) tree *mandāra,*bring our wishes to fruition.

Verse (page 59):

vidyā·kairava·kaumudīṁ śruti·śiras’sīmanta·muktāmaṇiṁ dārān padmabhuvas’trilōka·janaṉīṁ vandē girāṁ dēvatāṁ |

yat’pādabja·namaskriyās’sukr̥tināṁ sārasvata·prakriyā bīja·nyāsa·bhuvō bhavanti kavitā·nāṭy’aika·jīvātavah. ∥

translations of selected verses



I salute the goddess of speech. She, the beloved wife of Brahma, is the moonlight which puts to bloom night lilies in the form of the various sciences and the pearl ornament that adorns the crest of embodied Vēdiclore.

And those that are fortunate to fall in devotion at her lotus-feet are rewarded with the gift of poesy—poesy that is a fertile ground to sow the seeds of eloquence and that alone rejuvenates the art of dramaturgy.

Verse (page 61):

draupad’īna·nadīpa·drau māra·bhē śuśubhē ramā |

sv’āparādha·dharā’pa·svā vēda·yānini yādavē ∥


sva-aparādha-dhara-apa-svā, ramā draupadī-ina-nadī-pa-drau, māra-bhē, vēda-yānini, yādavē śuśubhē |


*sva-aparādha-dhara-apa-svā (sveṣāṁ aparādhānāṁ dharā):*She, who tolerates the mistakes of her devotees and is free of egotism ( apa-svā); ramā: Lakṣmī; *draupadī-ina-nadī-pa-drau:*a wooden raft ( drau) for the Pāṇḍavās ( draupadī-ina) to cross the ocean (of misery) ( nadī-pa); *māra-bhē:*similar in luster ( bhā) to Kāma ( māra); *vēda-yāniṉī:*whose vehicle ( yāna) are the Vēdas; *yādavē:*in Kr̥ṣṇa; *śuśubhē:*shone.


Lakṣmī, who tolerates the sins of her devotees and is free of egotism, attained great beauty by uniting with Kr̥ṣṇa, who is a wooden raft for the Pāṇḍavas to cross over the ocean of misery, who is similar to the Lord of love in splendor and whose vehicle are the Vēdasthemselves.

Note: This is a gata-pratyāgata verse, each pāda of which is a palindrome, yielding identical readings whether read forwards or backwards.

BhāgavatasaptāhaInvitation and Garaḷapurī śāstri’s Response

VidvānḤV. Nagaraja Rao

Letter from Veṇkōba Rāv and Rāmacandra Rāv to Maisūru.

(An invitation to the paṇḍitasto attend the Bhāgavatasaptāhacelebration to take place in Mahārāṣtra. The first 22 ślōkas of the letter of the invitation *have been lost. *)

A great yajñain the form of reading the Bhāgavatais to be held shortly in the vicinity of a beautiful mansion. This will be a rare event, which will surely bring the grace of God.


This auspicious event, which will be wonderful and attractive in the extreme, should be witnessed by one and all. In it will be an assembly of brāhmaṇas reciting holy texts.


We are hence requesting you, with folded hands and bowed heads, and urge you to come here and stay with us for seven days.


Great persons will participate in this assembly of scholars, in which the story of Lord Kr̥ṣṇa will be presented in melodious tunes, highlighting its deep meanings.


May all of you, desirous of imbibing the nectarine sweetness of the *Bhāgavata,*kindly drop the pollen of your lotus feet on the floor of our residence.


Do please all of you arrive before the commencement of the event, and stay here till its end, relishing the ambrosia of the story of the Lord.


If, however, time does not permit, you may visit us for a day, a minute, or even half an instant, for there is surely nothing else that will bring us such prosperity.



translations of selected verses


As the Śrīmad Bhāgavataitself says: “To what end are many years spent without an awareness of Lord Kr̥ṣṇa? Even a single hour will bring all prosperity, if one knows in it God’s greatness.


“For anyone who has entered into this cycle of birth and death, there is no path other than that of devotion.


“They who drink the divine nectar of Kr̥ṣṇa’s story will purify the people whose hearts are spoiled by the taint of worldly objects of trivial pleasure. Such good persons will also reach the lotus feet of Lord Kr̥ṣṇa. ∥32∥

“The sun robs the lifespan of all beings when he rises and sets, except in those moments spent eulogising the stories of good persons.”


What is the use of talking or writing too much? O, enjoyers of the study of the *Vēdas! *


You are all learned scholars, and your dispositions are generous. The two of us are trying to accomplish a diffiicult task. Do make our tree of desire bear fruit.


All those who covet various benefiits in this world will surely obtain them from the wish-yielding tree known as the *Bhāgavata.*In this there is no doubt!


Please do accept our prayerful invitation, and come. We wish to be blessed by you, the connoisseurs (of the wine of the Bhāgavata).


Sirs, may you virtuous scholars kindly pardon us if we have written anything that may be erroneous or contrary to tradition, due to our haste or impetuosity.



sons of sarasvatī

Garaḷapurī śāstri’s reply to the above invitation

*We bow to Kr̥ṣṇa, the beloved of the cowherdesses. *

May Lord Kr̥ṣṇa, who enhances love in Rukmiṇī’s heart, who kindles the fiire of desire in Satyabhāma, who is intoxicated from drinking the juice of Jāṁbavatī’s lips, whose mind is ever in the control of Rādhā, whose eyes are riveted on Ṉīlā’s blouse, and who is a natural servant of the cowherdesses, protect us.


May the world be peaceful, and may all righteous people be happy. May all works of such good persons be free of obstacles.


There is a city known as Mais ūru, which is the capital and jewel of the state of Karṇāṭaka. Its prosperity puts even Heaven to shame.


There shone king Kr̥ṣṇarāja; he was indefatigable and most virtuous.

He was as the full moon to the ocean of scholars at his court. He was as Hariścandra in keeping his word.


He was born of the powers of the Lords of Directions. He protected all his people with love as that of a father.


Now Cāmarāja, who is like a reflection of his predecessor, is looking after the scholars, with even greater love.


The scholars are engaged in realizing the Indescribable Principle by the means of listening to and memorizing the hidden meanings of the *Upaniṣa-ds. *


They have gained expertise in the eighteen branches of learning, putting their rivals to shame. Even so, these scholars remained untainted even by the slightest bit of arrogance.


These scholars wear pearl necklaces strung with strong threads, and live in agrahārasdonated by the king Kr̥ṣṇa, and which are free from diseases, possess the best qualities, and exhibit excellent characteristics.812


812This interesting verse contains a series of cleverly crafted puns. Mr Naresh Keerthi offers the following: “The scholars wear and reside in that *agrahāra *[necklace/community], which is a gift from king Kr̥ṣṇa, *muktāmaya *[pearl-studded/healthy], sugraha-guṇāḍhya

translations of selected verses


These scholars take pleasure in beautiful poetry suffused with emotions, and in which refusal may signify assent, just as they relish the compan-ionship of a wife who conveys assent through words that appear to assert refusal.


Just as a bee sucks nectar from a flower, leaving behind its pollen, these scholars see only good qualities in others, omitting their flaws.


The blessings of these scholars, following prayers and worship offered to Viṣṇu, Śiva, and other gods, and accompanied by Vēdicrecitations are showered upon the two of you.


You two possess wealth in measure fiit for kings, and like the mountains Mēru and Himālaya, remain steadfast, without trembling in crises.


You two are stamped by the footprints of Lakṣmī, which are coloured red by lākṣā. Your speech is sweet as cow’s milk, honey, sugarcane, and grapes.


The rivalry between Lakṣmīand Sarasvatīhas existed from the begining of creation. However, the two of you have brought about their reconciliation within yourselves.


The ocean of milk was covered with blue due to the shining body of Viṣṇu, who sleeps there. You two, however, have made the ocean white on account of your fame.


As befiits your position as ministers, you are managing the affairs of your master’s kingdom effortlessly, issuing commands even just by the movements of your eyebrows.


A couch of devotion have you spread on the swing of your mind, whose very fabric is faith. Thereupon have you placed a motherless and fatherless orphan child (i.e., Lord Nārāyaṇa).


May the blessings of scholars bestow great prosperity on you two, Ve ˙n-kōba and Rāmacandra, who please all learned scholars.


[strung on a strong thread/accessible/well connected and prosperous] and *sadvr̥ttam *[well rounded/well built].”


sons of sarasvatī

By the grace of Rāma, the king of K ōsala, we are all well, as of this morning of the tenth day of the bahulahalf of the month of Puṣya in the year Vibhava.


We wish to receive a letter again from you, conveying the welfare of yourselves, your wives, children, friends, and relatives.


And now, we are extremely pleased to learn of your adventurous undertaking in organizing an event fiit to be performed in kr̥tayuga, even in this impious kaliyuga, from your letter, which was given to us by the revered sage of the Parakāla Maṭha, who is always engaged in the performance of amazing feats of tapasya.

∥22, 23∥

These are truly the fruits of being born, of being alive, and of possessing wealth, if a person worships Lord Hari in the company of brāhmaṇas.∥24∥

You two are born into noble families, which great persons have adorned.

The tongue is ashamed of its inability to adequately praise your extraordinary feats.


It would indeed be proper for us to attend the auspicious event you are organizing even in the absence of an invitation, let alone after being invited with such love and humility.


We are not, however, used to travelling far, and hence remain here, but truly only our bodies remain here, like wooden idols.


Our minds have travelled to your place with speed, along with our sentiments. When our sentiments are expressed in words, they yield the desired result, we believe.


When you will have completed the bath signalling the culmination of the great event you have planned, you may kindly write a letter again to bring great joy to our ears.


You know all, and all undesirable possibilities are ruled out in your case because you have served for long the lotus feet of revered preceptors. So, nothing remains to be wished for in your case. Nonetheless, we wish to say the following.


translations of selected verses


May the grace of the prime couple of all creation be showered upon you. May the king who is your helper be equal to Kubēra in wealth (or, may your king become an emperor).


The great persons who serve the divine child Kr̥ṣṇa, who brought happiness to the smiling Yaśōdā, and also serve the meritorious assembly of brāhmaṇas with guileless devotion, will obtain unblemished fame.


Garaḷapurī Śāstri, urged by great scholars, wrote these verses due to their grace. May these words, though slight, bring delight, like the crescent moon.
