
Dr. T. S. Subbaraya was a brilliant student, teacher and an excellent individual. Born on 10.10.1905 (his parents were Pandit T N Subbaraya Shastry, a Kannada and Sanskrit scholar who taught Vidwat classes in Maharaja’s College, Mysore, and Kaveramma, a self-effacing and god-fearing housewife), he had an excellent academic record and became an erudite professor of physics in Central College, Bangalore. For some time he was also the Principal of the First Grade College at Tumkur. A synopsis of his bio-data is provided on the following page.

He obtained the DSc degree of the Mysore University in 1944 based on the research he had undertaken in spectroscopy in the Central College. The referees for the doctoral thesis were none other than Prof. C V Raman, Nobel Laureate, and Prof. Megnadh Saha, Fellow of the Royal Society. His passion was for physics and, in fact, for all of science. In spite of securing a high rank in the Mysore Civil Service examinations (which would have earned him excellent administrative posts), he opted for teaching and joined the Central College. He became proficient in German and French languages and learnt for himself mathematical physics (vectors, dyadics and tensors, relativity theory and quantum mechanics) which he could impart to the students of Honours and MSc classes.

After retirement as an emeritus professor, he chose to write an English-Kannada dictionary during 1968 to 1971 (20/6/1960 to 9/4/1971), using the Oxford English Dictionary as the starting point. His idea for compiling the dictionary was mainly with the view to disseminate his mastery in English, Kannada and Sanskrit languages.

For a variety of reasons, the original manuscript (numbering 1578 foolscap pages and written in his own closely-written handwriting) could not be printed or published when he was alive. However, over the past few years, the source material was converted into electronic form using software tools, and the dictionary is now printed in both PDF and HTML formats. It is our fond hope that the material will prove useful, even four decades after its compilation, to scholars and teachers writing textbooks in Kannada.


BIODATA of Prof. T S Subbaraya=BIODATA of Prof. T S Subbaraya
1905 Born on October 10
1918 Lower Secondary Exam IInd for the Province
1921 S S L C Exam I for the Province
1922 University Entrance Exam I for the Province
1923 First year BA/BSc x Sir P N Krishnamurthy Prize
x Navinam Ramanujachar Scholar College
Prize for first rank
1925 BSc Physics (Main)
Mathematics (Subsidiary)
x First in Total.
x Navinam Ramanujachar Medal.
x H Ramanuja Iyengar Medal
x College Prize
x Highest in Mathematics and Second in Physics

1925-26 Postgraduate Scholar Report on “Spectra of mixed metallic vapours” (with Mr. L. Sibaiya)
1926 Joined Service as Demonstrator in Physics Rs. 75 /- per mensem
1928 Lecturer in Physics, Inter College, Mysore Rs. 100-10-150 salary scale 1930 Lecturer in Physics, Central College x Handled new and advanced subjects such as Vector and Dyadic Analysis, Relativity Theory, Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, etc.
x Helped colleagues with French and German translation.
1933 MSc Purely original and mostly unpublished work included in the thesis.
1933 Elected Associate of the Institute for Physics, London 1935 Elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences Promoted to the salary scale Rs. 150-10-200


Research Papers:
x On the Least Distance of Distinct Vision of the unaided Eye under Water. Schol Science Review, October 1929. (Organ of the Scholmaster’s Asociation of Great Britain.)
x A new method for finding the internal resistance of a cell. Schol Science Review.
x Beitrage zur Analyse des ersten Funkenspektrums von Quecksilber.. (with Prof. B. Venkatesachar), Zeitschrift f? Physik, 1931. (Organ of the German Physical Society.) x On the Hyperfine Structure of certain Hg I Lines in the Electrodeless Discharge. (with Mr TGS Iyengar), Procedings of the Royal Society, 1932. x Hyperfine Structure of Mercury Lines. Curent Science, 1932. x Nuclear Structure.. (with Prof S Venkatesachar), Curent Science, 1932. x Serien im komplexen Spectrum des einfach ionisiertem Quecksilbers.. Zeitschrift für Physik,1932. x Neutronen und magnetische Kernmomente. (with Prof. B Venkatesachar). Zeitschrift für Physik, 1933. x The Spectrum of Trebly Ionized Mercury.. Proc. of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1934. x On the Band Systems of Mercury.. Proc. of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1934. x On the Analysis of the Band Spectrum of Cadmium.. Proc. of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1935. x On the Analysis of the Band Spectrum of Zinc.. Proc. of the Indian Academy of Sciences,1935. x Analysis of the Spectrum of Trebly Ionized Zinc.. Proc. of the Indian Academy of Sciences, 1935. x On the Band Spectrum of HgI. (with B Nagesha Rao and N A Narayana Rao)
x On the Band Spectrum of CdI. (with B Nagesha Rao and N A Narayana Rao)
x The Spark Spectrum of Mercury Hg II and III.. Mysore Univ. Journal, 1933. x The Atomic Solar System.. 1942 (Kanada Sahitya Parishat Pres) x Interaction of Atomic Energy States.. Journal of the Mysore University, March 1957, September 1957, March 1958.

Books, Articles:

x Bhouta Shashtra Praveshini
x Bhauta Vignyana (1957)
x Belaku (1958)
x Albert Einstein (1969)
x Dyuti Shastra (1971)