ShrIdharAchAryaH shivaprasAdaH dvivedI

SrI SrIdharAchArya studied certain sAmAnya SAstra texts and SrI-BhAshya like VEdAnta granthas under SrI UtthamUr SwAmi, mainly when swAmi was staying at Pushkar,Rajasthan. Infact, it was SrI SrIdharAchArya who wanted SrI UtthamUr SwAmi to bless them with a commentary for SrI-BhAshyam {after listening swAmi’s kAlakshEpam, which had many insights not so far been recorded in previous texts}, which would be very useful for those scholars at North India as well {since they don’t have regular touch with swAmi Or any south-indian scholar as well}.