
nirmalakaNTha (aka KanThabhaTTa), a daring paNDita, reconverted several muslims to sanAtana-dharma. The converts famously sat on Qurans to do their pUjA.

Rivalry with shams iraqi

The sufi Shams Iraqi (in conflict with the khurasan sultAn) returned to kAshmIr after 12 years. Mir Syed Mohammed Isfahani alias Mir Shams-ud-din Muhammad Iraqi (1440–1515) spread Shia Sufi Islam in Kashmir. His Khanqah produced many of the future leaders of Kashmir (including Chak nobles).

At the instance of Iraqi Musa Raina became a dreaded tyrant andpromulgated an order throughout Kashmir that

  • 1-1500 to 2000 infidels be brought to the doorstep of Mir-Shamas-ud-din-Iraqi everyday
  • 2-Remove their sacred thread(Zunnar)
  • 3-Administer Kalima to them,circumcise them and make them eat beef.(Chronicle of Medieval Kashmir p.106)

Hassan says(THK p.223)twenty four thousand hindu families were converted to Iraqi’s Shia faith by force and compulsion(qahran wa jabran).

nirmalakaNTha petitioned the ineffective sultAn about the oppression of the hindus.


Records Baharistan-i-Shahi

With the help of some of the chiefs of this land, some of them had reverted to the customs of the infidels and polytheists. These apostates had resumed idolatory. Some of the infidels related that during the hours of offering prayers and worshipping of idols, they would place a copy of the Quran under their haunches to make a seat to sit upon. Thus idol-worshipping proceeded even when they sat on the divine book. When the news and details of these doings were brought to Amir Shamsud-Din Iraqi he summoned Malik Kaji Chak to him. Accompanied by Malik Ali and Khwaja Ahmed, his two counsellors and administrators, Malik Kaji Chak presented himself before the venerable Amir, ….

Kaji Chak consulted his counsellors and administrative officers and decided upon carrying out a whole-sale massacre of the infidels. Their massacre was scheduled for the days of the approaching ‘Ashura’. Thus seven to eight hundred infidels were put to death.

… Those killed were the leading personalities of the community of infidels at that time, men of substance and government functionaries. Each of them wielded influence and sway over a hundred families of other infidels and heretics. Thus the entire community of infidels and polytheists in Kashmir was coerced into conversion to Islam at the point of sword. This is one of the major achievements of Malik Kaji Chak.