Page. I Introduction List of Abbreviations … … VIII ABHINAVAGUPTA. PART I. HISTORICAL CHAPTER I. LIFE OF ABHINAVAGUPTA. Preliminary Two Abhinavaguptas His ancestry His parents Abhinava as a Yoginībhū Probable time of his birth His childhood and education Abhinava as an incarnation of śeṣa His teachers His family and its atmosphere Some events in the family and their effect on his young mind His ascetic period His miraculous powers … Centres of his activity … The last scene of his earthly existence A bird’s-eye view of his life CHAPTER II. HIS WORKS. List of his known works Explanation of the arrangement (2 ) Page. Chronological order of his works M. M. Mukundarāma Sāstrī on the Chronology of Abhinava’s works … Works known from references Division of his works into three periods I Tantric Period … II Ālankārika Period III Philosophical Period A General idea of his available works

  1. Bodhapancadasikā 2. Mālini Vijaya Vārtika 3. Parātrimśikā Vivarana (I) Parā … (II) Paśyanti (III) Madhyamā
  2. Tantrāloka 5. Tantra Sāra … 6. Tantra Vata Dhānikā Authorship of Tantra Vata Dhānikā 7. Dhvanyāloka Locana 8. Abhinava Bhāratī The plan… The question of joint authorship of the text… Interpretation of Bharata’s myth about the origin of the stage 9. Bhagavadgītārtha Sangraha … The Text Importance of Bhagavadgitā in the eyes of Saivas … 10. Paramārtha Sāra The Title … Page. 56 The Source Comparative study of the source and the adaptation 11. Isvara Pratyabhijñā Vimarsini 12. Isvara Pratyabhijñā Vivrti Vimarsini Eight Smaller Works 21. Tantroccaya … 22. Ghatakarparakulaka Vivrti .. 23. Bimbapratibimba Vāda 24. Anuttara Tattva Vimarsini Vrtti 64 65 66 CHAPTER III. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF HIS THOUGHT. Historical background of his Tantric ideas Dvaita Tantras Dvaitādvaita Tantras … Advaita Tantras The fourth Saiva Tantric School The traceable history of the fourth school Historical background of his philosophic ideas The rise of the monistic Saiva Philosophy in Kashmir The causes of its rise Ancient faith of Kashmir Soil for the growth of Tantric Saivaism Influence of Sankarācārya The rise of Kashmir Saivaism The Spanda Branch The Pratyabhijña Branch Dualist Saiva writers … Amalgamation of the Dvaita and the Dvaitadvaita Schools ( 4 ) 104 Page. The position of this School in the time of Abhinava … 103 Lakulīśapāśupata Saiva dualists of the post-Abhinava period 106 Identity of the Siddhānta School with Saiva Darsana of Mādhava 112 Historical background of his poetic ideas The Writers on dramaturgy known to Abhinava and their historical position … 112 113 Interpolation in Bharata’s Nātya Sāstra Kohala … Bharata’s date Bharata’s commentators and writers on subjects allied to dramaturgy referred to by Abhinava Nānyadeva His time 120 121 121 125 125 126 126 126 128 The commentators whose dates can be fixed Harsa Udbhata Bhatta Lollata His date Bhatta Nāyaka Explanation of the remark of Mahima Bhatta’s commentator … Exponents of the theory of Dhvani Who was the author of the Dhvani Kārikā ? Precursors of Dhvani … Other Vāmanas The founder of the theory of Dhvani … Opponent of Dhvani Abhinava’s teacher in Dhvani, Bhatta Indurāja 129 130 132 138 139 139 141 142 ( 5 ) CHAPTER IV. HIS IMPORTANCE AND INFLUENCE. Poge. 144 His Commentators Ksemarāja His works Yogarāja Subhata Datta Jayaratha His date Sobhākaragupta Bhāskarakantha His date 144 145 148 148 149 150 151 151 152 153 153 Writers directly influenced by Abhinava Kṣemendra The question of identity of Kṣemendra Kṣemarāja and 153 157 Abhinava’s influence in poetics … Abhinava’s influence in Pratyabhijñā and Tantric ritualism Maheśvarānanda 158 158 PART II. PHILOSOPHY. CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY. 166 169 Abhinava’s Contribution Explanation of the names of the system For whom is the system meant ? The aim 171 … 172 (6 ) Page. 173 178 179 182 182 182 185 186 186 What is recognition (pratyabhijñā) ? What is Dīkṣā ? Saktipāta Malas or impurities defined
  3. Anayamala or innate ignorance Its distinction from the intellectual ignorance 2. Kārmamala
  4. Māyīyamala … The means of liberation from bondage… The intellectual and the spiritual knowledge
  5. Kriyopāya or Āṇavopāya 2. Jānopāya or Saktopāya 3. Sāmbhavamārga or Icchopāya…
  6. Anupāya or Anandopāya Trika conception of Mokṣa Other conceptions of Moksa from the Trika point of view Vijñānavādin’s conception of Mokṣa Its refutation Nihilist’s conception of Moksa and its refutation Sāūkhya conception of Mokṣa and its criticism 186 189 189 190 190 191 191 192 192 192 193 CHAPTER II. ĀBHĀSAVĀDA OR REALISTIC IDEALISM. Abhāsa defined The common basis of Abhāsas Anuttara or All-inclusive Universal Consciousness The Ultimate as Prakāśavimarsamaya… Svātantrya Sakti Other names of Svātantrya Sakti Prakāśa and Vimarśa explained 196 196 197 199 203 205 205(

Page. The essential nature of the manifested and the manifestable 206 The implication of Prakāśavimarśamaya summarized… 207 The names of the Ultimate and their distinctive implications 207 How are the abhāsas related to the Universal Consciousness 209 The why of the manifestation explained 211 Does the Ultimate Reality change ? 211 Monism explained 214 Are the ābhāsas real ? … 214 Maheśvara or the Universal Consciousness in its aspect as the manifestor … 217 Knowability of the Universal Consciousness 218 Powers of the Universal Consciousness… 219 Kartrtva and Jõātrtva Saktis and their functions 220 I. The aspects of the jñātṇtva Sakti … 220 (i) The Power of Knowledge 221 (ii) The Power of Remembrance … 221 (iii) The Power of Differentiation … 223 II. Kartrtva Sakti … 224 (1) Kriya Sakti (ii) Kālaśakti 227 225 CHAPTER III. CATEGORIES OF THE ĀBHĀSAVĀDA. Indebtedness of the Trika to other systems for the conception of some of the thirty-six categories Pralaya and Mahāpralaya Tattva or Category defined The order of manifestation of pure creation 229 230 234 235 ( 8 ) Page. 238 239 240 241 242 242 244 246 248 248 248 The conception of the five powers of the Ultimate is common to the Upaniṣads śiva Sakti .. Sadāśiva… Isvara … Sadvidyā Māyā Kalā … Vidya Rāga Kāla Niyati Puruṣa The Sānkhya and the Trika concepts of the puruṣa compared Prakrti … The Trika and the Sānkhya concepts of the Prakrti compared Buddhi … The Sānkhya and the Trika concepts of Buddhi compared Ahankāra Manas or mind The remaining twenty tattvas The Trika conception of senses 249 249 251 251 252 252 253 253 254 254 255 CHAPTER IV. ĀBHĀSAVĀDA AS THE BASIS OF THE TRIKA THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE Preliminaries and presuppositions Ābhāsavāda and practical life 256 256 ( 9 ) Page. 258 261 264 266 267 268 269 269 271 272 273 274 278 278 281 The limited sentient ābhāsa or jīvābhāsa The limited insentient manifestation or jadābhāsa Constituent ābhāsas Refutation of the rival theories of perception The Sānkhya theory of perception Refutation of the Sankhya theory Bauddha theories of perception and their refutations The Sautrāntika theory Its refutation … The Vijñānavādin’s theory Its refutation … The Trika theory of perception Indeterminate and determinate knowledge The process The distinctive process of the determinate knowledge Determinate knowledge and external object Supersensuous experience or Anubhava Criticism of the rival theories Prakatatāvāda … Its refutation Naiyāyika theory of knowledge Its refutation The points of difference Remembrance Buddhist theory of remembrance Its refutation Remembrance and error The Trika theory of remembrance The remembering subject The remembered object The unification of ābhāsas 283 284 287 287 289 289 288 291 291 292 294 295 297 298 299 300 ( 10 ) CHAPTER V. THE THEORIES OF EFFECTABILITY, CAUSALITY AND KARMA. Page. 302 303 305 305 310 311 313 314 317 321 322 323 2 The ābhāsavāda and the physical universe Effectability The physical universe and the Ultimate Reality Causality Criticism of the Bauddha conception of causality Criticism of the Sānkhya conception of causality The Trika theory of causality The Trika theory of Karma Karma and creation Karma defined Conditions necessary for fruition of Karma The associated idea and fruition Different states of Karma Karma and liberation How is the destruction of Karma effected ? Criticism of the rival theory of the Sankhya Sankhya conception of ignorance … Its refutation Dualist Saiva theory of ignorance Its refutation … Dualist theory of Karmasāmya Refutation of Karmasāmya APPENDIX A. Textual authorities indicated by foot-notes APPENDIX B. Authorities referred to in the available works of Abhinava APPENDIX C. Philosophical Stotras of Abhinava… Index 324 325 325 326 328 329 330 331 332 333 … 337 387 404 415