veNugopAla on periyava

Source: TW

He stuck to his duties steadfastly as an ascetic hailing from a tradition that upheld Sanatanadharma aloft that’s based on Varnasramadharma.He didn’t budge even an inch to pressures from various quarters to give up support to varnasrama system. He was a staunch votary of the system. He stood by freedom movement & gave up clothes not spun by charka. He took up khadi cloth forever thereafter till he breathed his last. Met MKG in 1927 in KL. MKG had tremendous faith & respect for him. Suggested important points to be added in art26 of Indian Constitution. His ID message was spiritual.

In nature, reminded the political class of India of their duty as rulers. Waged silent satyagraha against our own governments after independence with his teaching to Hindus on several important issues including that of temple management. Was adherent to all Sastric injunctions without any compromise. Defended all Sastric ideas despite facing flack from all social leaders of his time as regressive person for holding those archaic ideas & promoting them. Every other person from DK, DMK, Commies criticized him severely. Yet he did everything what he believed truth.

His ideas on women & their life was not accepted by most of the womenfolk from brahmin community. In fact they disobeyed him for his stance against women as such wrt to his opposition to women going for jobs, visiting colleges etc. Women openly did all against his teachings but none in fact was opposed to him. In silent, they believed that he had truth behind him. His tapasya never made anyone to oppose him at the bottom of their heart. His simplicity,truthfulness,austerity, hardwork etc won him lots of ppl as his bhaktas. He is still an unavoidable person.

Lived a full life of 100 years - Of which 87 yrs as sanyasin. Performed 3-kala puja for 47 years single-handedly besides caring for his other duties as head of a big institution responsible for protecting & propagating Sanatanadharma. His service to the cause of Vedas were unparalleled.

At 13, when initiated into sanyasa ashrama, he dedicated his life for public cause through services to SD. Learnt all scriptures in rapid speed. Became a master on every aspects of SD. Knew 13+ languages. His knowledge on epigraphy & archeology were hailed by all. Everyone accepted him as a mahathma with trikāla jnāna.

Extended moral support to many poor people of this land. Traveled the length & breadth of this country by foot 3 times. Observed upavasa & mounam for days together. Highly compassionate towards helpless ppl. Several vedic scholars got help from him for getting their daughters married in a decent way.

Promoted Tamizh & Samskrtam on equal footing. Told the world that Tamizh & Samskrtam are 2 eyes of our Indian civilization. Promoted 12 tirumurais, Andal’s Tiruppavai, tiruvempavai & TiruppaLLiyezhutchi. Made all write Sriramajayam.

Now tell me why should he still be held in high esteem by all ppl? They knew that he was against widows’ remarriage, women chanting Vedas, women going out for higher education or job or marrying out of their castes. Supported all ancient social customs like anrutumati vivaham etc in principle though he didn’t encourage or promote anything that the laws of the land had prohibited. He tried to convince the society that our Rishis who wrote several Shāstras had pure compassion for humanity as such. Whatever they had suggested in those Shāstras can’t do any harm to people but would help them evolve spiritually in their life. Acharya never tried to compromise on the practices that are here in vogue for time immemorial. He never cared for opinion of people or was afraid of their ridicule. He never tried to change the format of our rituals.