

मन्धातृ, अम्बरीष & युवनश्व of the इक्ष्वाकु line, (these 3 became ancestors of ब्राह्मणाः by the grace of आन्गिरस ऋषयाः)

अर्वाचीना अन्ये


tireless in his pursuit of वेदरक्षण, he shaped the आचार (conduct) & शीलम् (character) of countless souls through his ज्ञानोपदेश. 68th पीठाधिपतीश्वर of काञ्चि-काङ्कोटि-पीठम्, aka mahAperiyavA.


  • (1880-1975)
  • Swamiji took upon himself the mountainous and apparently rebellious task of presenting the school of Gaudapada, Shankara and Sureshwara, the three respelendent stars of Advaita Vedanta, in its original pure form, both in words and spirit (via the text mUlAvidyA-nirAsa, in opposition to 1k year old neo-tradition).
  • With a crusader’s zeal, he spared no efforts to purge the doctrines foreign to and opposed to the Shankara school, which were attributed to Shankara by the later subcommentators.
  • His life was an incessant battle with antagonistic forces with affilictions, social obligations, philistine opposition, weak health and what is most inexhorable, finance. However his perseverance against all odds saw to the establishment of Adhyatma Prakasha Karyalaya.
  • He was a prolific writer having authored over two hundred books on Vedanta in Kannada, Sanskrit and English.