
Source: GhorAngirasa on twitter.

Paurāṇika pramāṇa (Vāyu iirc) makes it clear that Ṛṣis are restricted to V1-3.

The most well known V3 Ṛṣi would be Bhalandana. Viśvāmitra would be V1.

Manu is the main V2 Ṛṣi whose Mānava gotra some V2s used to have. Apart from this, there may be a couple of V2 Ṛṣis in RV (need to refer to anukrāmaṇika). Of course, there is the whole V2->V1 kṣatropeta Brāhmaṇas but they are counted as V1s only, with the exception of their pravara Ṛṣis who were famous kṣatriyas such as Divodāsa, Mitrayu, etc. I call these the “unstable B/Ks” in my tweets on the subject.

मानसतरङ्गिणीकृत् - टिप्पनी

Source: TW

One can say that these so called “unstable v1/v2” had vedic founders who were clearly v2s & appear as such in dynastic lists in the purANa-s. Some of them from the RV would be indeed divodAsa, his son paruchChepa, ajAmILa and purumILa; ikShvAku himself; pururavas; devApi; gaya; vadhryashva; trasadasyu; mandhAtR^i. From the later layers we have the janaka-s; In the RV itself we also have the v3s vatsapri & bhAlandana.

Some might say that kakShIvAn or trishoka were v4 but it would be a liberal interpretation.

Most KBs are genuine Ks who went through a process: K->B/K which then bifurcates into B-only & K-only lineages. Such KBs are Haritas, Maudgalyas, Maitrayavas, ityAdi.


which descends from the patriline of मनु but not via इक्ष्वाकु but नाभाग. It is unique in the sense that it is a क्षत्रोपेत-ब्राह्मण-गोत्र, which descends from the patriline of मनु but not via इक्ष्वाकु but नाभाग.