rAhul sankrityAyan

Source: TW - Of Life, Off Life (Social, Political Spiritual, Essays, …) by a Hindi teacher Dr Ramprasad Mishr.

RAHUL SANKRITYAYAN (9 April 1893 - 14 April 1963) was, to quote Nehru, “One of our greatest scholars." A towering man of letters, he was a historian, archaeologist and philosopher. Besides, he was freedom-fighter and crusader against Hindu Dharm, including Hindu way of life.

Born as Kedar Pandeya in a remote village of Azamgarh district of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, he fled to Ayodhya to become Ram Udar Das during his naughty-cum-haughty boyhood days. He left Ayodhya to turn Left and became a Congressman in Bihar. Then he became a Communist but was thrown out by the party when he opposed “Romanscript-Hindustani’ and favoured ‘Devanagari-script Hindi’.+++(5)+++ Like all communists, he was anti-Hindu; but becoming anti-Hindi would have become suicidal as he was out and out a Hindi-litterateur, he rather opted-out. After all,‘self’ comes first of all! And, totalitarianism allows no dissent! Communism is an insult to mankind.

He had a genuine grudge against Hindu Dharm and found nothing good, even worthwhile, or original in it. This psychological complex forced him to become a Buddhist and, hence, he got his third name Rahul (literally ‘Rahudasha-grast or devastating - Siddharth escaped, declaring his just-born offspring ‘Rahul’ to attain enlightenment)!

His personal life was quite rich with many formal and informal wives, including Tibetan, Russian, Indian as well as male bed-companions because of his unique which obviously attracted many. Even now, he has Rahulovich, in Russia, a wife in India (though nothing is known about his Tibetan wife) and many male bed companions, including some known men of letters in Delhi.

Rahul was a man of wonderfulgenius. His travelogues are many. He wrote novels and short-stories also. He introduced ‘Sidhs’ to Hindi literature and it is a lasting contribution though a bit controversial. As a true communist of his days, he expounded the Russian origin of Aryans in his most controversial and sex-soaked story-collection - Volga Se Ganga (From Volga to Ganga) which has not been accepted even by hard-core communists. His Madhya Asia Ka Itihas (History of Middle Asia) is a controversial but remarkable and original contribution to history. His Darshan-Digdarslan (Philosophy of the World) symbolizes his vast erudition despite his bias against the Hindu Dharm.