The era of jihAds

  • The anonymous brAhmaNas who informed Ahmad ibn Yahya ibn Ishak al-Rawandi.


kalhaNa, the kAshmIra-paNDita, to whom we owe the historical sentimental recollection rAja-tarangiNI.


yAmunAchArya ALvandAr, clever debator and great perceptor (who incidentally authored a lost work on the kAshmIra-(pAncharAtrika)-Agama-prAmANya).

bhAskarAchArya 2

the great polymath mathematician.


daughter in law of the founder of vijayanagara, poetess author of madhurA-vijaya, which celebrates the recovery of dakShiNapatha from the jihAdI-s.

veLLai ammAL

the devadAsI veLLai ammAL (who bought time by seducing and finally pushing the mlecCha commander off a gopura now named after her), 12k residents of shrIrangam including sudarshanAchArya who sacrificed themselves to rescue the deity’s mUrti. [TW]


bIrbal, clever jester at akbar’s court.


rAmAnandI sanyAsI, author of rAma-charita-mAnas whose sweet sound reverberates in the north.

achyuta pishAraDi

of a temple service clan oft considered of shUdra descent, a mathematician, sanskrit grammarian, and teacher of melpattuuru nArAyaNa bhaTTatiri the poet. - “Pisharodys do not need to wear the sacred thread nor perform puja in temples as per the tradition, but act only as advisors. They do not cremate the dead body being a sanyasi, instead do the burial as samadhi, as the person has been charcterised with all sanyasi qualities. "

rAdhA bAyi

mother of bhAji rAv peshva, whose yAtra to kAshi and gAya included generous donations and restorations.

ahilyA bAyi hOlkar

ahilyA bAyi hOlkar, mahArAjJNI of Indore, who rebuilt the kAshI vishvanAtha mandira destroyed by the tyrant awrangzib.

  • To be continued.