Indian republic

MS subbulakShmI

MS subbulakShmI, daughter of a dEvadAsI, who remained a dEvadAsI in the truest sense, bhakti-vairAgya-saMpannA, divine voice who moved even the lay person and the foreigner to tears, bhArata-ratna. A great donor and patriot - who donated Masaysay award money to Phillipines, her new golden bangles towards the 1965 Indo-Pak war funds.

Radhabinod Pal

One of 3 asian judges who participated in the Tokyo trials after WW2 - the only one to hold all accused innocent. Honored by the Japanese emperor and the Yasukuni shrine.

pramilA shrIvAstava

mother of three, splendid mathematician, polyglot versed in saMskRta [RG09].

malhotra-rAjIva of Princeton New Jersey

who vigorously produced and funded books and a “svadeshi indology” movement to expose the influential and insidious mechanism of mlecCha indologist scholars, church organizations and leftist press. This despite some personal flaws - misplaced arrogance, alienating allies. Some would say: “ya ya he’s not as revolutionary as he claims - many have critiqued mlecCha indology”. But fact is that the malla’s efforts are the most vigorous - even at the socio-political level beyond the academe.