
Early peopling

mihirkula brought many V1s to revive culture in kAshmIra. I suspect sadyojyotis was among those v1s from roughly that time keeping with the idea of his Kashmirian locale. Also his focus on raurava-sUtrasaMgraha and svAyambhuva suggest an early age. - MT

Persistence under Islam

Kashmiri Paṇḍit-s composed Shaiva poems in Persian verse to conduct morning prayers with technical Persian vocab under the guise of the Islamic Arafah prayer, so that muslim neighbors couldn’t tell they were presumably praying to a Hindu God

Later exoduses

  • In 1990, kAshmIri muslims with and Islamic agenda forced out kAshmIri paNDit-s from the valley.
  • “Worst effect of Genocide was our birth rate dropped considerably. One child policy was imposed by circumstances. Parents took conscience decision considering their financial and emotional situation.” - pratiba kaul