
Coming from Kanyakubja is a frequent claim among Brahmins living in distant areas from the Ganges heartland. Short thread on some instances of migration of Kanyakubja Brahmins. 🧵

The 4th century Nandisutra written in Nagari script found in Gujarat tells about Grants of Ancient Copper-plates to Brahmins who came to Gujarat from Kanyakubja. Interestingly there are Anavil Brahmins of Gujarat who claim to be descended from Kanyakubjas.

The most famous Instance of Kanyakubjas Migrating comes from Bengal when King Adisura who was troubled by the lack of Vedic prowess among Brahmins already residing there, invited 5 Brahmins from Kannauj for restoring the Brahminical order in Bengal.

Another migration to Bengal happened during king Ballal Sen who invited 6 Brahmin families from Kannauj. These Brahmins collectively are claimed as ancestors of modern day Kulin & many non kulin Brahmins in Bengal. Raja Ram Mohan roy belonged to the same stock.

The Bhaumakara copper plates record grants to Brahmins from Kannauj Region. Because of shift from Buddhism to Vedic religion, Yayati I, a Somvanshi king of Orrisa is said to have invited 10000 of Kanyakubja Brahmins into his kingdom who are found all over Odisha today.

The Joshis and Pathaks along with many other Brahmins of Nepal & Uttarakhand claim to be descended from Kanyakubja Brahmins of Awadh who migrated to Hills on the invitation of Khasa Kings.

The 18th century text Mangirisha Mahatmya suggests that Kanyakubja Brahmins on their way back to Kannauj from Rameshwaram settled in Maharashtra after marrying into local Saraswat Brahmins. There Descendants carry Gotras like Kaundinya, Vatsa, Kaushik etc.

The Kanyakubjas as late as 18th century started Migrating towards dominions of Maratha Empire and reached as far as Bombay, Bangalore,Telangana and even Assam. Most probably General Manoj Pandey who hails from Maharashtra belongs to Kanyakubja division too.

The Mularaja’s Balera Copper-plates dated as early as 995 AD record grant of a Village to Dirghacharya, A Brahmin who migrated from Kanyakubja. Similarly, an endowment from Chalukya king Karna’s reign records the grants to a Brahmin who came from Madhyadesh.

About 250 yrs ago During Maharaja Ram Singh of Marwar, Many Kanyakubja Brahmins were on there way to Dwarka when they were requested by the Marwar king to get settle in Jodhpur. They are said to be spread over whole of the Rajasthan.

The Jujhautiya Brahmins got there name from Jujhar Singh, a ruler from remote antiquity who settled in Bundelkhand and finding no Brahmins there invited Brahmins from Kanyakubja who were called by the name Jujhautiya from then.