Dravidian anti-brahiminism and feudalism

Source: RavilochanaH

विस्तारः (द्रष्टुं नोद्यम्)

Context: In a video, Dr K Kantharaj is a medical doctor , teacher of medical students, from political family, and from an elite Dravidian nonbrahmin caste said that brAhmins - and by extension hindutvaists - should stick to rituals, beg for livelihood and not bother with university education.

For once this video makes the reason for Dravidian politics clear. The root of their politics is that Brahmins of TN became financially independent. It is a social injustice movement in reality. The landed castes could not stand the fact that Brahmins were not dependent on them.

When free village schools were closed under Brit rule, only Brahmins and a few other castes spent money to get their kids educated as education was their primary source of livelihood. They came to dominate govt jobs as a result. But the community was also highly nationalist. So, the Brits and the landed caste leaders collaborated - result being (in)justice party. Landed caste leaders could vilify Brahmins and take their revenge for ‘daring’ to get independent. Brits gained a bunch of idiots whose leader cried in 1947 that British shouldn’t leave. This hatred and anger against Brahmins becoming independent is what drives this D political elites.

Kantharaj wants Brahmins to be beggars. He even wants them to give up education - when history shows us that they were the most educated community in India, always. These morons will claim that they are against hereditary occupation but will insist that Brahmins should only do unchavrtti. On one hand, they will claim that Brahmins trampled upon them and OTOH, claim that they were merely beggars. They are hypocrites of highest order filled with hatred.

Dravidianism is nothing but landed caste elitism which wants every other caste to be dependent on them in a neo-feudal form.