Quasi-Average Ancestry

Ancestry profile of the average Indian, based on collated genetic data of 146 castes and tribes all across India from Narasimhan et al 2019 (The Formation of Human Populations in South and Central Asia, SuppleT S5) - 36% Andamanese (AASI), 12% Steppe, 52% Indus Valley. Note, by average, we don’t mean a weighted average accounted for population weights but an average of the 146 castes and tribes of India in this paper. (all these pops are very closely related and there’s like a +- 7-8% variation in ancestry components within a caste)

Average North West Indian ancestry profile. Steppe 24%, Andamanese 15%, Indus Valley 61%.

Average North Indian Brahmin ancestry profile. (Kashmir + Haryana + UP + Gujarat + Nepal/Mithila) Steppe 25%, Andamanese 22%, Indus Valley 53%.

Chamars (Scheduled Caste/Dalits) from NW India like Haryana also have 20% Steppe, so this is somewhat of a misconception that Dalits don’t have any Steppe ancestry. Steppe 20%, Andamanese 29%, Indus Valley 51%.

South Indian Brahmin average - 15% Steppe, 30% AASI, 55% Indus


Persians generally have 12-20% Steppe (avg. 16%) despite Persia being more ‘West’ than India? I guess this is due to endogamy plus the fact that Elamites were more settled society, so absorbed easily?

Eastern Iranians like Tajiks have around 35-40% Steppe, 45% Bronze Age Turanian (BMAC), 5% East Asian and 5-10% Andamanese Hunter Gatherer like. Tajiks were much closer to the source of Steppe ancestry, and in ancient times were the Sogdians of the Silk Road.