
“H1 in contrast is hardly present in Sino-Tibetan and Eastern populations. Its centre gravity in terms of frequency is the central part of the country from where it appears to have expanded outwards. We explain H1 expansion as an expansion of agricultural indigenous population associated with Central and South Indian archaeological cultures like Jorwe and Daimabad and these agricultural groups managed ascend the ladder of the Indo-Aryan hierarchy coming in from the North.”[MT5]

“Around 6300 YBP a man in India belonging to the H1-M52 lineage left a huge impact on the genetic landscape of India. He hailed from a patriline, which was already prominent and had expanded, albeit more modestly, around 7300 YBP. .. His imprint is the dominant one in those jāti-s occupying the middle and lower rungs of the Indian jāti-stratification. H1-M52 is prominently present in the currently or formerly socially powerful middle jāti-s like the Marāṭhā, Vellālar, the Vanniyar, the Kammā and the Reḍḍī. His imprint is less prominent in the saṃskṛta brāhmaṇa and kṣatriya jāti-s but not absent. This distribution of H1-M52 together with the timing of the expansions clearly suggest that the father of this lineage was a very prominent figure in pre-Indo-Aryan India. The prestige of his lineage was so high that even after the conquest of India by the ārya-s his descendants were able to enter and establish themselves to degree within the highest rungs of the ārya system as brāhmaṇa-s and kṣatriya-s. Even those who did not were still socially prominent, often attaining de facto kṣatriya status and spreading their genes extensively into the social strata who lay below them.” [M16]