Indian Hindu stats

2021 Pew India

  • Total sample size was 30,000 people (face to face interviews) conducted in regional languages.



  • 80% of Indian Hindus believe in God with certainty
  • 18% of Indian Hindus believe in God with less certainty
  • 2% do not believe in God


  • 29% of Hindus believe there is only 1 God.
    • Most Indian Hindus who said they believe in only one God turned out to have many personal Gods they feel close too. Hence contradicting their earlier view of there being “One God”.
  • 61% of Hindus believe there is 1 God with many manifestations.
    • 20% Indian muslims and christians agree!
  • 7% of Hindus believe there are many Gods.


  • Most Indian Hindus feel the closest to Lord Shiva (44%).

  • 35% of Hindus feel closest to Hanuman ji

  • 32% of Hindus feel closest to Ganesh ji

  • 28% of Hindus feel closest to Lakshmi Mata

  • 21% of Hindus feel closest to Lord Krishna

  • As expected, 70-75% of Hindus believe God can be manifested in Nature, in Animals or in People. However, only 30-40% Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhists believe this.

  • 71% of Hindus have no sect or don’t know their sect.

  • 11% Hindus are Shaivite, 9% are Vaishnavite, 3% Shakta. (this means most Hindus who like Lord Shiva are folk Hs without any sect, not shaivites)

Other beliefs

  • 77% H adults believe in Karma
    • many non-H believe in karma too.
  • 40% of H adults believe in reincarnation
  • 73% of H adults believe in fate
  • 81% of H adults believe Ganga can purify
  • 49% of H adults believe in angels or spirits.


  • 80% Indian Hindus who didn’t vote for BJP said religion is very important to them. (numbers much higher for BJP voters)
  • 53% pray daily. (70% of BJP voters.)
  • 84% of Hindu (abbrv. H) women wear a Bindi
  • 72% of Indian Hindus say someone who eats beef cannot be a Hindu.
    • 77% of Indian Muslims say someone who eats pork cannot be Muslim (figure is 92% for UPite Muslims).
  • 90% of Indians believe Indian culture is superior to all other cultures. 95% College grad Indians believe Indian culture is superior to all other cultures.
  • 65% of South Indian Hindus have participated or witnessed an animal sacrifice compared to only 25% of North Indian Hindus.
  • 56% Brahmin men wear a Janeu. However, older Brahmin men are far more likely (65%) to wear a Janeu than younger Brahmin men. (45%).
  • Janeu is most worn by South Indian Hindu men. 22% non-Brahmin Upper Caste generally wear a Janeu.
  • 53% Upper Caste Hindus are vegetarian. Interestingly, 60% Sikhs are vegetarian.


  • 95% of Hindu adults celebrate Diwali
    • 98% Jains, 90% Sikhs also celebrate Diwali.
    • But only 20% Muslims & 31% Christians do so.
  • 17% of Hindu adults celebrate Christmas
  • 5% of Hindu adults celebrate Eid
    • Response fakery likely. Seems to refer to greeting and accepting feasts.
  • 63% of Hindus say someone who celebrates Eid cannot be a Hindu.
    • Around 50% for atheism, temple going, prayer.


  • 61% of Indian Hindus who didn’t vote for BJP said it’s very important to stop Hindu women from doing inter-religious marriage.
    • Only 48%-50% of College-educated oppose inter-caste marriage.
  • More Muslims (70%) than Hindus (63%) oppose Inter-Caste Marriage.


  • 48% Indians support a one-man dictatorship with no elections.
    • In the UP, MP region - 60% of Indians support a one-man dictatorship.
  • 46% Indians support a democracy.


  • 70% of Indian Sikhs say someone who disrespects India cannot be Sikh
  • 95% of Indian Sikhs say they are very proud to be Indian.
  • 82-86% of Indian Sikhs say they do not face any discrimination in India.
  • 45% Sikhs identify as Sahajdhari.


  • 70% of Jains do not eat garlic, onion or any other root vegetables. 92% Jains are Vegetarian.

Non-hindu tidbits

  • 37% Indian Christians identify as Catholic.
  • 64% of Indian Muslim women wear a Burqa. 12% wear a Niqab. 8% wear a Hijab. Overall, 90% of Indian Muslim women always cover their head.