India - policy freedom

Source: TW

An important part of woke indoctrination in elite universities as it pertains to India is to understand that India’s very existence poses a challenge to the Marxist/materialist world-view that sees itself as the One True Way. India is a weird pagan relic in this view.

As long as India stayed poor - first due to colonialism and later due to socialism - it was only a charity case (“basket case”), to be rescued with money and evangelism. Crucially Indians could not have intellectual or moral agency. Well, India is no longer a basket case. That poses a serious intellectual problem for both the Marxist/materialists and the “civilize the savages” crowd. How can this pagan relic, worshipping elephants and monkeys and snakes and other weird forms, produce first rate thought?

Consider the issue of gay marriage. India’s live and let live culture, pagan to the core, always recognized diversity in all its forms. So when gay marriage was formally legalized, there was no opposition from any quarter in India. The Marxist/materialist ideology sees that as a challenge to the One True Way. This challenge cannot stand. India must be intellectually subordinated to the One True Way. That is what “South Asian Studies” are all about - alienating Indian students from their own extraordinarily diverse and rich intellectual and philosophical heritage and replace that heritage with the rigid and inflexible ideology of present day woke marxism, which will only produce endless social conflict. The woke worship of “Diversity” is a sham and it is of the same nature as the communist promise of “Equality”.+++(5)+++

We in India must continue our open-minded, unfettered philosophical debate and not give in to the latest intolerant dogma from the West. Philosophical monism (the elephants and monkeys and snakes and rocks and we are one!) and practical paganism have served India well. Achieving broadly shared economic prosperity along with an attitude of detached contentment is important for maintaining this idea of philosophical freedom in India. That is possible within a generation if we put our minds to it. That is our civilizational project.