Climate change & India dev


What should be India’s development trajectory? This question is all important and assumes urgency in light of global climate change. We have so far treated development and economic growth as a separate topic from climate change. Yet this dualism cannot provide us answers.

I will make an important assumption: the present per capita energy consumption of America is not remotely feasible for India, even if the entire energy were to come from renewable sources. So, we have no option but to seek a way of life that consumes low energy per capita. Does that mean we must give up on economic development? I firmly believe it is possible for our vast population to have a shot at a decent life within the constraint of low energy consumption. We can and must design economic strategies that fit with that overarching goal.

As a first step, we need a smart industrial and economic policy that has low energy consumption as one of its cardinal principles. One consequence would be to encourage smaller scale rural industry to achieve more regional self reliance for the basic necessities of life. Smaller scale production of basic household goods regionally is very feasible if we spread the technological know-how far and wide.

Second we must emphasize public transport, in particular electric trains accessible to every panchayat of India augmented with electric autos. Electric trains for longer distances and electric auto rickshaws for short distances is an ideal combination that suits India. Japan is a shining example of trains done well. We must aim to minimize congestion on our roads, which is a major source of energy consumption.

Even as we get basic household goods and transportation right, we must focus on getting housing right. Endless concrete won’t solve our problems. We must revive our traditional construction techniques in a tech savvy way. An example is mud based construction. I can envision 3D printed mud houses as an example of combining technology with sustainability.

Agriculture must focus on full cycle soil health including on how to get our own waste and our very bodies (ashes) back to the soil for nutrients. Our Hindu traditions like dissolving cremation ashes in ponds and rivers are important due to their effect on returning minerals we consumed back to the soil.

Finally, our entertainment and media have to promote contentment rather than endless consumption. Temple festivals are a great form of community togetherness and entertainment and they don’t promote extreme personal consumption. Without contentment and humility at the core of our way of life, we cannot live in harmony with mother earth. 🙏🙏🙏