Mossad and Dalitists

I don’t know what karikaDaipayyan posted 🙂. But here is something that the younger generation often ignores. In the 1980s/90s the jewish agency, Mossad, informed the Indian intelligence that the Indian state faced a grave danger from the nIladrApi’s putraka-s. Now at that point in time the 1st responders of the Mossad in the subcontinent were limited. So it was not a case of the Mossad threatening the Ind int but passing some information either in return for something or because it was of low value to them. So the question becomes whom did they get it from & who were the ones building up the anuyAyin-s of the said entity.

It was not something superficial, because we know how the faux mahAtman at the peak of this following had to come to the table with nIladrApi. Subsequently, his kAshmiraka disciple also had to capitulate to the said entity & try to accommodate him in a manner no different from the padma-s of today. What it means is that even before independence the Indian leadership knew that with nIladrApi, they had built up a potential large force who could operate on the behalf of the mlechCha-s. In this light, we have to admit that nIladrApi & his forces were built up by the mahAmlechCha & Mossad had wind of that intelligence.

Even in the 1980s I had met a guy of very humble background who suddenly started living an enormously cushy life – not just a bag of rice but a whole big house and other stuff on the mlechCha’s exchequer. He himself blurted out this family’s links to the kR^iShNa-nIladrApi alliance. It is bearing fruit in the mahAmlechCha land now. While I’m not a big student of the southern branch of this class of movements, I believe that mUtranAla & his successors like those whom you & other have been recently “exposing” are also part of the very same general project in the mlechCha world. It will gather steam under the current mahAmlechCha regime. The question is are the padma-s mainstreaming them because of a genuine fear; political expediency; or the classic Hindu naivete, like that exhibited by some H political commentators. The mainstream of mUtra-syUta by the padma-s is particularly egregious.

suren’s optimism

Source: TW

Let me take it in 2 parts


The nIladrApi is the greater of the threats, since he was directly astroturfed by the mlecchas, has pan Indian acceptance and has large numbers. This was identified by the sangha early on and he was sought to be cultivated. His anuyayins remained at the periphery of Indias political life for long, until they came center stage in Gangetic plain. Since then, they have been co opted by appeasement and empowerment. The core threat still remains, but in regions where they are in large numbers, many nIlaDrapins are now bought into the value of remaining within the Indian State as well as committed to staying within the folds of Dharma. All attempts to broker an alliance with marus and pretas end up in bad blood, since unmattas are racist in their basic DNA. The main large oscillations are over and there will be some minor shifts in pendulum, to such an extent that the lATesha’s descendant will be hailed as the greatest nIladrApanuyAyin for public consumption. And that will be the end of that.


  • On the subject of the mUtranAla, we are free of certain fetters that hobble us wrt nIladrApi - the mUtranAla and his predecessors were the elite, which is a tool to arouse the natural envy of the rank and file. They did not just abuse V1, but also engaged in egregious abuse of the devas and the Dharma, while being scrupulous adherants of Dharma in private. -The mUtranAlajAyins came into their own using the democratic system. Their ruling family is beholden to this system and is also transformed into a business enterprise. Pure spite for V1s, greed and preta-maru numbers is what is holding it together.
  • Notice how the captain of padma team in Dravida desha has recently taken aim at their legacy as a mleccha agency while carefully avoiding mention of the mUtranAla himself. Delegitimize them as a movement while paying lip service to their icons.