Class opportunism


Even as the dharma tries time-tested arragnements to harmonize various social groups based on different abilities and roles; certain “revolutionary” movements attempt to do the reverse. They seek to topple the hitherto dominant social groups and firmly establish themselves at the top - at the cost of reducing the overall fitness of the society (both in the short and long term). This is reminiscent of “The Trees” by Rush.

“In addition to Mohammedanism and the Jesus cult, today the most deleterious memes from the West come in the form of the “Social Justice-Equality of outcome” meme-complex. These diseases of the mind taking hold in India will have a direct effect on the ability of the H to select and channel their human capital. The effects could be seriously cripplingly if they take a deep root as they could resonate with the already existing divides coming from the wide gulfs between jāti-s. This complex of memes could also cause social dysfunction by interfering with the productive sexuality and introducing destructive tendencies to the sexually active youth bulge of India and ruin any advantages that can be accrued from it.” - MT19

Their misguided attempts derive from various misunderstandings. In their deeply flawed analysis, they refuse to believe the honest and natural basis for the hindu dharma history - rather preferring to see “evil brAhmaNa manipulation”. This is accompanied by a risible claims about history - for example:

  • Dravidians claiming their origin in Lemuria
  • Dravidians being unaware of the Dravidian bloom {IA in India page}
  • claims to being original inhabitants and insinuating that the few brAhmaNa-s who later arrived ended up “dominating” the social structure against their will
  • denying the deep contributions of hindu thoughtscape (carried by brAhmaNa-s) to the development of their language and culture
  • claiming notable ancient cultural/ religious icons and practices (eg: Buddha, kumAra, gaNesha and Shiva) as belong to their ethnicity.

Counter religions

Sometimes class opportunism is combined with native spiritual movements. See Ananda addiction page.


As an archetype, bhIm rAv ambeDkar, who strived for respect and opportunities for the untouchable jAti-s - even at the cost of hinduism or Indian independence.

SC-ST Atrocities act 1989

  • Souce here.
  • This evil legislation is like blasphemy laws in Muslim countries. In both cases, just speaking can lead to punishment (which is not necessarily death penalty). See 3(r) of the act.
  • Heavily misused
    • Only 0.67% of SC-ST act cases found true in court trials, Government data says.
    • Prominent examples include: viShNu tiwArI case. FD List.
  • Huge damage to देश - perfect tool for विधर्मि-s.

Regional forms

Dravidianism/ Lemurism

  • Their anti-brAhmaNism is deep and manifests itself in books and cartoons. {GA_TW}

Nepali “Mongol” Lemurism

  • “Ang Kaji Sherpa of NEFIN is a copy of Karunanidhi & Gopal Gurung of Mongol National Organization is a copy of Periyar. … Dilip Rai from Youtube … used to spam Shiv Bhajans and videos about Nepal with comments about how Shiva was originally Kirat God Paruhang and rant about “Dhotis (Indians) and Bahunbad (Manuvad)” {MM_TW}