
Source: TW

The so-called judiciary reforms which are taking place in some western/West Asian countries are catching people’s attention. We have a very different geopolitical perspective on it. We see it as ultimately a defensive reaction to the spread of navyonmAda & its auxiliaries with the on-ground backing by the ShaNDasainya, kAlAmukha-s, annadAtR^i-s etc & financed by the sora, kR^iShNAdri-phuka & others.

The case of Canada illustrates what can happen when the sorAdiduShTa-s succeed: you get to place a kAstra-putra on the Asandi & take full control of its operations.

Then you have the USA. There they have had partial success with the hoisting of piNDaka & aTTahAsaki in the middle of a sorAdi-ShaNDa-sabhA. However, the other dala even if fractured is not dead & in pockets folks like anugAmin are fighting the former.

However, their judicial agenda is pushed aggressively having gotten at least one navyonmatta in the highest court. The facade of what is known as democracy revels in the idea of a judiciary independent from the executive branch. However, this is why democracies become just a facade because the so-called independent judiciary is open to capture by a dedicated group of subversionists allowing it to become an instrument for “totalitarianism” through judicial overreach.+++(5)+++ Thus, the defensive reaction to it would be to bring the judiciary under the executive which would in the eyes of some lead to another type of “totalitarianism”. But if the democracy is functional & includes the judiciary within its gambit, it can at least be voted out of power.

This exposes the ultimate wobbliness of democracy & that it will be susceptible to subversionist forces unless it is a government of a relatively tightly-knit people.+++(4)+++ Thus,the prediction will be it will be flaky unless the people adopting have some feature unifying them that stands above politics or they are conglomeration of small factions none of which can attain dominance.

We believe the soraShaNDAdi are an existential threat to social wellbeing; hence, we will not be surprised if a society takes extreme means to protect itself as in the case of conflicts in the living world. This might happen in some countries. The Indian situation more complicated. We know that the soraShaNDAdi have deeply penetrated the India judiciary up to the supreme court – the prolix moon-chute – what more needs to be said. They are exploiting that loophole.

But what even more problematic is the “H political cadre”’s adoption of navyonmAda almost as if to signal to the lords of bahukShAlapura, navykarpura, bhallUkapura or laNDapura. Given this, there is really no defense from the executive side, unlike in certain countries where the judiciary is being tamed. Hence, when the time of nirNaya comes in the, perhaps in the coming decade, a term occasionally seen in the Indian media, the “street veto” might become critical. A situation could arise wherein the government agencies that bear physical arms will be faced with a nirNaya of what side the choose. The Indian record in this regard in not bright.