
Internal to hindu-s

  • Inadequate cultural education and successful subversion by enemies
    • Self vs non-self discrimination
  • Self-imposed dumbocracy
  • Population and resource stress

Bottom-heavy human resource

  • Average IQ of 85-94. [TW17]
    • Comparison -
  • “This leads to dilution of the high performers so they never cross the threshold for intensive sustained knowledge production over long periods. 2nd their efforts are ahead of their time or out of place for rest of population cannot really resonate with their innovations.”
  • “The low-end might also work against the advances of the highend & can easily be exploited as cannon fodder by the enemies.”
India 1,339 CPM 88 Gupta & Gupta, 1966
India 1,359 SPM 87 Chopra, 1966
India 5,607 CPM 81 Sinha, 1968
India 1,050 CPM 82 Rao & Reddy, 1968
India 3,536 SPM 84 Majumdar & Nundi, 1971
India 180 SPM 79 Mohanty & Babu, 1983
India 100 SPM 78 Agrawal et al., 1984
India 748 WISCR 79 Afzal, 1988
India 500 CPM 86 Bhogle & Prakash, 1992
India 29 CPM 82 Jyothi et al., 1993
India 569 SPM 82 Raven et al., 1996
India 828 CPM 80 Barnabus et al., 1995
India 8,040 SPM 88 Raven et al., 2000
India 569 SPM 81 Raven et al., 2000
India: median 82

Regionalist identities

  • More in the regionalist-ids page.
  • Some prominent rivalries
    • tamiL nADu vs karNAtaka regarding the kAverI [2016 analysis - stupid supreme court decision]

Racinomisia (= hatred of one’s cultural roots)

Of the abrahamists

Of the Indian left

Yogindar Sikand’s piece typifies the racinomisia-filled attitude of the “Indian Left”.

The mechanism and effects of this influence has been explored in detail in “Breaking India: Western Interventions in Dravidian and Dalit Faultlines” by Rajiv Malhotra and Aravindan Neelakandan.

External to hindu-s

  • Abrahamist subversion, tending towards eventual domination, in India
    • Faster abrahamist demographic growth.
  • Foreign threats: China, TSP, TSB, West.
  • Foreign polities: subversion.