Mohan bhAgvat speeches

  • “MB refers to his previous statement in Delhi about “Hindutva being incomplete without Muslims” that it did raise eyebrows in the Hindu society. But says, these is the ideology of the Sangh since the beginning, can be found in “Bunch of Thoughts” as well.” RJ किन्तु BOT इति श्रीमद्गुरुवर्यवचनान्य् अवधार्य विपरीतम् उक्तम् इति प्रतिभाति। तत्र मरून्मत्ता अहिन्दुका, अस्मच्छत्रवः, महत्या जागरूकताया वर्तनीयम् इति प्रपञ्चितम्। तर्ह्य् एतैः भागवतादिभिः शब्दपरिवर्तनमात्रम् अतिक्रम्य तत्त्वविकार एव सम्पाद्यमानो वेति सन्देह्मि। (सामरस्यसम्पादनप्रयत्ने द्रोहभिज्ञानदक्षताहानिर् भवतीति च।)
  • “Mohan Bhagwat quite categorically clarifies that this is the age of democracy and we do not fight for Hindu supremacy. Neither should anyone fight for Muslim supremacy.” इत्यप्य् अत्र RJ
  • “MB recognizes there along with a majority of Hindus who will support his statement, there are those who will oppose his views as being harmful to Hindu society.” इत्यपि वर्तते।