As sampradAya

Source: TW

Sangh may indeed be a quasi Sampradaya.

  • It has declared its own Guru - dhwaja.
  • It has its own celibate Sanyasis and Parivrajakas, whom it calls Pracharaka. It has laity positions.
  • It even has its own Praatah Smarana prayer in Sanskrit, taken in pieces from our ancient Puranas, but padded with shlokas in praise to social reformers like Phule and Ambedkar, ending finally with a prayer to RSS founder and his first successor. Read every morning.
  • It does aggressive missionary work to recruit followers and tableegh (for the lack of better words) to keep them.
  • For Smritis it says Manu Smriti is invalid now and it’s smriti is Bharat ka Samvidhaan.

Is Sangh not a quasi Sampradaya? - This is not an unfair question to ask.

Savarkar wrote in ~1937 that Svami Dayananda and Arya Samaj were the predecessor and mother of all the modern Hindutva movements. Therein he mentions his view on RSS too - back then he thought Sangh was the danda-dhara of the Hindutva organic.