Anti-savarNa leaning: BJP

Author: Gautama

Though UCs have traditionally been the core supporters of BJP, their numbers are decreasing. Attribute it to low TFR or other factors but relative to the other caste groups the numbers are dropping.

In the democratic setup the numbers matter (even in any alternate setup there is a critical mass that ought to be there). So it is but natural that a party such as BJP, in order to expand, will look towards other jAtis. People may think that political parties fight on the basis of ideologies, but the stark reality is that ideologies are chosen to target voting blocs. Denying it would be foolish. Right now the more attractive voting bloc for the BJP are the OBCs and the SC/STs who have traditionally supported congress or regional satarps. I do not have an understanding of what the electoral math looks like for the coming elections, but let us for now give BJP the benefit of doubt and accept that it cannot win those without swinging the votes of the OBC and SC/ST blocs in their favor.

Now when a group realises that it is in demand among all the parties that are out there, to switch loyalties, they will ask for a significant “hike”. They know it is a one-time opportunity and they can make anyone who wants their votes bend to their will. “Congress gave us 27%. Can you better it?”. They know that the economy has gone to dogs. They know that new jobs won’t be created. They know that COVID has only made it worse. They won’t be swayed by the promise of “Vikas” because by now most of them know that’s not possible.

So BJP does what it can do best at this point - more gibs. Wouldn’t it risk antagonising their loyal support base? It would. So why do it then? Because they are pretty confident that the loyal support base won’t have anywhere to go. An unconditional support that it has provided BJP all these years has alienated them from every other party out there. Hence they can be taken for granted.

If I were a hiring manager who wants to attract a specific talented employee from outside, I would be willing to pay whatever they demand even it that means huge differential in what I am paying my current employee. I know that there is a risk. If I need my current employee to stick around and I stand to lose of he/she leaves, the I will placate him/her with some candies (retention bonus, some award, send onsite for a while). But if I know that the current employee doesn’t matter anymore, or that if the employee has no where else to go, why should I waste those candies?! So BJP has made its decision. I am sure it is purely electoral and not personal as many of its followers would insist.

So now the ball is in the court of the UCs. Clearly BJP believes that we are either that unwanted employee or we won’t go anywhere. So time to decide if it should be this way. Again, I insist that whatever be the decision, let be made rationally and not emotionally.