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[The Indian Social Reformer, June 16, 1901]

A question having arisen in America as to the Swami Vivekananda’s attitude towards social questions, a lady writes to an American paper as follows: “In one of his lectures at the Pouch Mansion, (Probably “India’s Gift to the World”, delivered February 25, 1895, of which there is no verbatim transcript available. Cf. two American newspaper articles published in Complete Works , II: 510-14 for somewhat different reports of this issue.) he spoke of the Hindu widows, declaring it unjust to state that they were generally subjected to cruelty or oppression in the Indians [sic] homes. He admitted that the prejudice against remarriage, and the custom which makes the widow a member of the husband’s family instead of that of her own parents inflicted some hardships upon widows in India, and favoured wise efforts for their education which would render them self-supporting and in this way alleviate their condition. He emphasised his desire for the education and elevation of the women of his country, including the widows, by volunteering to give the entire proceeds of one of his lectures in support of the school of Babu Sasipada Banerjee, at Baranagar, near Calcutta, the institution of which preceded that of the Pandita Ramabai, at Poona, and where, if I am not mistaken, the Pandita herself obtained the first inspiration of her work. This lecture was given, and the proceeds were forwarded to Babu Sasipada Banerjee, and duly acknowledged.”