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today and starts on his tour tomorrow.

He has asked Niranjan [Swami Niranjanananda] to accompany him and he has consented.

Kanay [Nirbhayananda] has supplied him with everything he asked for — and he asks me also to send you the accounts. This, on the other page.

I hope Nivedita and Mrs. [Ole] Bull have safely arrived. I am rather better than at Buddha Gaya. This house is nice — well furnished and has a good many rooms and parlours. There is a big garden all round and beautiful roses — and gigantic trees. It is rather cooler here than at Gaya. There was no hitch to our friends being admitted into the chief temple and [allowed to] touch the Sign of Shiva and to worship. The Buddhists, it seems, are always admitted.

With all love and welcome to Mrs. Bull and Nivedita — if they have arrived — and all to you,


[Enclosed in the above letter was the following accounts list.]

4TH FEBRUARY 1902. Rs 100

Rs. As. P.1

Train hire from Gaya to Benares 20
4 0
Cab hire
5 0 0
Tel message
2 0 0
Refreshment Room (Morning) 1
8 0
Cooly hire Gaya
0 10 0
Tobacco etc.
0 5 0
Refreshment Room (Evening) 2
0 3
Cooly hire (at Benares)
1 1 0
Cab hire at Benares
1 10 0


Total 34 6


Paid to Medicine for Mr. K. Okakura 1
8 0
" [Ditto] Oatmeal & corn — flour 1
4 0
" Tobacco etc.
0 6 3
" Bread etc.
0 2 0
Paid to Barber
0 3 0
0 7 6


Total 3 14



1 0 0
0 9 0
Carriage hire
1 8 0
Priests of Vishvanath etc.
10 4 0


Total 13 5


Things purchased for store at
Gopal Lal Villa before Swamiji’s arrival 17
11 9


Total 69 5

Paid to Expenses from Calcutta to Buddh—
30 10 3


Rs. 100 0

(“P.” stands for pie-s, twelve of them making one Anna (As.) and sixteen annas making one rupee (Rs.).)


  1. ^“P.” stands for pie-s, twelve of them making one Anna (As.) and sixteen annas making one rupee (Rs.).