1247 CXCIV

Home / Complete-Works / Volume 9 / Letters – Fifth Series /

I am glad to learn of Mrs. [Ole] Bull’s sweet letter to you; she is an angel. You are peaceful and happy — good. I am growing towards it too.

I am en route to Chandranath on pilgrimage.

I have been anxiously awaiting a letter from you, and it seemed it would never come.

I am sure to be happy — can’t help thinking so. After so much struggle, the result must come. Things take their own course; it is I who am to brighten up, I find. And I am trying my best. And you can help me by writing nice letters now and then; will you?

Margot [Sister Nivedita] is doing splendid work in England with Mrs. Bull’s backing. Things are going on nicely.

I am sleeping better and the general health is not bad.

With everlasting love and blessings,

P.S. Please enquire of Miss [Sarah Ellen] Waldo about the publication of Karma and Jnāna Yogas and write.


  1. ^As there was no known communication between Swami Vivekananda and Christine during the first quarter of 1901, perhaps the Swami was referring to the fact that he was then on pilgrimage to East Bengal, with a large party, and was too busy to write to anyone during this period.