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says I must not undertake a journey till completely strong. He is bent on making me strong. My stomach is very, very good and nerves fine. I am getting on. A few days more and I will be all right. I received your letter with the enclosed.

If you leave for New York soon, take my mail with you. I am coming to New York direct. If you leave New York before I leave, put my mail in a cover and deposit with Turiyananda, and tell him to keep it for me and not to open it on any account, nor any one of my Indian letters. Turiyananda will take charge. Also see that my clothes and books are at the Vedanta Society’s rooms in New York.

I will write you more soon — an introduction to Mrs. Huntington.1 This affair should be private.

With love and blessings,


P.S. As I have got to stop at Chicago for my ticket, will you ask anybody to take me in for a day or two, if Mrs. Hale is gone East by that time?



  1. ^Mrs. Collis Potter Huntington, wife of one of the wealthy “Big Four” of the Central Pacific Railroad in the United States.