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she has about a hundred odd dollars in cash. Mrs. Hendrick and she have not paid up as yet. That money — $300 in all — is with her. She will send it to me whenever I write.

Rev. Benjamin Fay Mills,2 a very popular Unitarian preacher in Oakland, invited me from here and paid the fare to San Francisco. I have spoken twice in Oakland to 1500 people each time. Last time I got from collection $30. I am going to have classes at 50 cents admission each.

San Francisco had one lecture the other night [February 23] at 50¢ each. It paid its expenses. This Monday [Sunday?] I am going to speak free — after that a class.

I went to see Mrs. Hurst [Hearst].3 She was not at home. I left a card — so with Prof. Le Conte.4

Mary [Hale] writes that you wrote her of my coming any day to the East. I don’t know. Here I have a large following —ready — made by my books. Will get some money, not much. St. Francis [Francis Leggett] may put the money in the bank for me — but can that be done without my signature? And I am here? It is good if it can be done. Did you see any possibility of my books being sold for good to any publisher?

The French invitation5 is all right. But it seems impossible to write any decent paper on the subject we chose. Because if I have to lecture and make money, very little time will be left for anything else. Again, I can not find any books (Sanskrit) here. So let me try to make a little money if I can and go to France all the same, but send them no paper. No scholarly work can be done in this haphazard and hurried fashion. It means time and study.

Shall I write to Mr. [Gerald] Nobel an acknowledgement and thanks? Write to me fully on these subjects if you can before you leave [for Europe]. My health is going on the same way. The gas is there more or less and this city is all climbing up[hill] — that tires me much.

With all love,

Yours affectionately,

P.S. Did anybody else respond to Mrs. Leggett’s call?


  1. ^Mrs. Emeline F. Bowler, president of the Pasadena Shakespeare Club and a friend of Swami Vivekananda in southern California.
  2. ^Minister of the First Unitarian Church in Oakland, where Swami Vivekananda spoke several times.
  3. ^Mrs. Phoebe Apperson Hearst, mother of the newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst.
  4. ^Probably Joseph Le Conte, a well-known geologist, then in the seventies, and a professor at the University of California at Berkeley.
  5. ^An invitation to speak in September at the Congress of the History of Religions at the Paris Exposition.