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going to study in America, and Miss [Margaret] Noble. Miss Noble is a young lady from Wimbledon, near London, who has been working in India on the education of girls.

Our stay in England will not be long, I am afraid, as this is neither the season nor am I in fit condition to work much. Anyhow, we will be in London a few weeks — at least myself — then go to the U.S. We will talk over all this and infinite things besides when we meet. I do not think even English summer days are long enough for all the chatter I will assail you with.

We go to Wimbledon for a day or two, and then I come back to London and find lodgings for myself and make plans.

Come to the Dock if that is possible and discreet. Yes, it is discreet, as there is a lady in the party and others will come to meet her. Only, Christina, don’t if you feel the least tired or unwell. I hope you are enjoying London immensely.

The Orientals do not like any effusion of feeling. They are trained to hide all expression.

Is Mrs. Funkey [Mary Caroline Funke] with you? If so, give her my best love.

I am much, much better just now. I am really quite another man this time. I was nearly dead in Calcutta when I started, but this voyage has improved me immensely.

Hoping soon to see you,

Ever yours in the Lord,


  1. ^Perhaps at Marseilles Swami Vivekananda received information that their ship, the S.S. Golconda, would reach London on Sunday (July 30, 1899); however, he later learned that it would reach there on Monday (July 31, 1899). In order to inform Christina of the change, the Swami sent her a telegram from Camberwell, B.O. on July 30: “Golconda due docks 6 a.m. Monday”.
  2. ^The S.S. Golconda actually arrived at the Tilbury Dock in London, instead of the Albert Dock, on Monday morning.
  3. ^Swami Vivekananda’s brother-disciple Swami Turiyananda.
  4. ^Satish Chandra Chakravarty, Swami Saradananda’s brother.