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[February 16, 1897]


I have received your address with great pleasure and sincerely thank you for the kind expressions contained therein.

I much regret, however, that time effectually prevents my paying even a short visit to Trichinopoly at present. In the autumn, however, I propose making a lecture tour throughout India, and you may rely upon it that I shall then not fail to include Trichinopoly in the programme.

Again thanking you, and with my blessings to all.

Sincerely yours,


  1. ^A deputation consisting of Messrs. K. S. Krishnamachari and S. M. Raja Ram waited upon Swami Vivekananda in the “Nilgiri Hall”, Kumbhakonam, with a memorial signed by about 750 students (representing the students’ population of Trichinopoly) requesting the Swami to stay at least one or two days. This was the reply given by Swami Vivekananda. It was published in the Madras Standard of February 16, 1897.