748 VII


(Translated from Bengali )

15th March, 1890.

DEAR ATUL BABU (Atul Chandra Ghosh.),

I am extremely sorry to hear that you are passing through mental afflictions. Please do only what is agreeable to you.

यावज्जननं तावन्मरणं
तावज्जननीजठरे शयनम्।
इति संसारे स्फुटतरदोषः
कथमिह मानव तव सन्तोषः॥

— “While there is birth there is death, and again entering the mother’s womb. This is the manifest evil of transmigration. How, O man, dost thou want satisfaction in such a world!”

Yours affectionately,


PS. I am leaving this place tomorrow. Let me see which way destiny leads!