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(New York Times March 1, 1895)

– Lecture on Vedanta Philosophy. – The second of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Barber’s series of “Afternoon and Evening Talks” was held at their home, 871 Fifth Avenue, yesterday afternoon. The Swami Vivekananda of India was the lecturer, her subject being “The Vedanta Philosophy: Soul.” The rooms and hall were filled with a large number of people interested in the lectures, which are under the management of Mrs. Ole Bull. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lawton, Miss Emma Thursby, J. Baxter Upham, M. Banner, the Rev. Charles h. Eaton, Mrs. George B. Loring, Mrs. Mary Mapes Dodge, Mrs. Adams, Peter Marié, Mrs. Lanier, Dr. and Mrs. Fillmore Moore, Mrs. Charles Lynde, and Miss Corbin. Miss Anthon sang, accompanied by James M. Wilson.